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New match up system is BS.

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I think we can leave the "I want to play with my friends - excuse" completely out of this argument, because it almost never happened. I completely missed the "seasons", but NONE of those transfers were because of friends and even after that no majority were about friends on different servers. Especially when you could delete characters and transfer for free or just start a new account on your friends server without ever having to transfer.
And not to forget that after that transfer there never was a reason for another, because you were on your friends server, right? But when we look at the numbers there were thousands of transfers and most of them shortly before the release of the new server populations, re-linking or directly after re-linking.
Not to forget that transfer work in more than one way. You want to play with your friend who is on the stacked server? Tell him to transfer to your medium one. Would be a win for both of you.

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11 hours ago, Ramjam.4507 said:

Is there no way to do that? this whole restructuring is confusing, I read something about guild alliances, and Guild leader said they did that.

Guild alliances got cancelled last year until an unknown time in the future. Currently there's no way to force the MM to put you with someone that has not selected the same wvw guild as you. 

What is currently called "guild alliances" by players are regular guilds that contain the members of several smaller guilds, which are used as a proxy for those guilds to be matched together. Maybe you can check with your leader if such a guild exists.


Basically you can be in 3 situations: 

- you are put in the same team as the people that selected the same guild as you

- you are randomly put in a team if you did not select a team

- you get to freely select your team if your account is considered inactive in wvw (I don't remember the exact number but I think it's less than 1 hour of wvw over the last 6 months ? Or something like that)


So if you want to play wvw with your friend and your social guild, the best way is to invite them into this social guild and have them select it as their wvw guild.

Edited by latlat.4516
Added contextual information
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On 8/7/2024 at 6:55 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Correction, a few guilds prancing around from server to server every other month, especially hours before a relink would happen, was destroying the population balance. Meanwhile the homebodies stayed on their servers for "years". So now instead we have a system that rewards the prancers for not having to pay gems anymore, and penalizes everyone else by randomly moving them around once a month instead. Who won with this system I wonder, the loyalist, or the selfish mercs.

They could have also dealt with this situation years ago by either putting transfer prices through the roof to massively limit the frequency it would happen, enforce transfer periods, or just outright stop transfers as they have it now. Or I dunno had the balls to go through with the first version of this system which would have been a much better medium for all players. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Hypothetically-Speaking-New-Worlds 

Or, process one transferring player at a time until the cap was reached. Too bad if all your guild didn't make it before the transfers closed. The caps were gamed by having every player in the guild click on transfer at the same time.

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