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[NA] Ignis Horizon [EMBR] | Borliss Pass - Pve - Wvw - Casual |

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Hello ! Thanks for taking your time out of your busy hunt to check us out!

I'm Liz one of your (maybe ) future guild leaders! 
Were a small 30> member guild looking for other chill / cool / helpful people to join us at our cozy campfire!
All we really ask of you is that you try to be active in guild events and missions but its not required and that if you do join in you join our discord !

Speaking of discord, were working on organizing new things like Events, Giveaways, Raids, Fractals and more! We don't care if you're new to the game, returning or been here since beta all players of all 
vets are welcome to join us ! We are predominantly an English speaking guild, we sometimes have adult conversations, we don't tolerate drama and we just want to hangout and have fun together!

We switch our guild missions from PVE to WVW every week, were working on getting people together to travel into doing fractals and raids aswell as strikes! Which will be a learning process for more than just Me! Alot of us are New or Returning and we could use some knowledgeable players or people open to doing new stuff or helping expand the guild amongst us! We have a few AUS timezone players aswell who are looking for some more friends too ~ as most of us are from the US . Please remember that like  you, every member here including myself has a real life! We will never expect anyone to put their lives aside for GW2's stunning pixels ever! And we ask that you give our Guild Leaders , Officers and Members the same treatment 🙂

If you have any questions at all please dont hesitate to ask! Guild Leaders : Cerbuwus.6954 | OnyxVeil.9253 

Thank you !

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On 8/21/2024 at 5:11 PM, Arabei.1629 said:

Discord KingArabei#8654

Heya ! Sent you a FR on Discord~☝️

Alright! Mind if i shoot ya a message in game? 👇

On 8/21/2024 at 6:21 PM, Kath.3821 said:

Hey! Would love to join! 

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Hello! Long time player here, would love to join your guild and see if the times are right—I’m typically on and free most nights after 8pm CST.  Would love to get into Fractals and Raids/Strikes, maybe some WvW. 

brodilock is my discord tag

almostdaft.4319 is my anet tag. 

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Hello! I am a returning player, looking for a casual guild and this sounds promising! I have been playing on and off since the core game and have returned now a few weeks ago, been playing daily since then. I am looking forward to do PvE content and will try to be as active as I can 🙂

Feel free to shoot me a message in-game!

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