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Weapon Changes Concepts


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Mace:Auto chain = 2 cleaves followed by a frontal cone that damages and heals.

Symbol stays the same.

Grants aegis to nearby allies and heal them while damaging enemies.

Scepter:Auto that throws two profectiles that deal two instances of damage and 1 stack of burn with the third attack firing a single damaging attack that burns for longer.

Symbol applies vulnerability, deals increased damage, and grants might to allies.

Third skill fires a projectile that weakens and immobilizes and deals damage.

Sword's cool.

Greatsword's cool.

Hammer's cool.

Staff:Make the auto heal allies.

Skill two cleanses condis in an area over time and can be reactivated to heal them and end the effect early.

Symbol applies more swiftness on the first pulse.

Empower can be cast while moving.

Line of Warding now blocks projectiles.

Focus:Flash of light that blinds enemies and grants allies Regen and cures 2 conditions from them.Keep the bubble shield.

Torch:Throw zealot's flame to light an enemy on fire, burning them and creating a fire field around them that collapses to burn all enemies around them.

Skill 5 breathes fire that burns enemies and cleanses conditions on yourself and allies.

Done for fun and for flavor.

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