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Steam Account to Normal Launcher ?

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Hello Guys,

i started GW2 on Steam and wasnt getting really in to it, i bought here and there some expansions and got finally addicted with the game.

Unfortunatly GW2 on steam makes here and there some problems like starting/launching issues, Steam downtime and for me a big problem the DLC sales arent allways offered on steam.


Is there a way to use my steam account on the normal gw2 launcher where im independent from steam ? like i can buy on a normal way the dlc. ?

maybe the support can change the account from steam to normal gw2 account or something like this ? did anyone heared about this or is it simple not possible and if i want to have a seperate gw2 account i need to start from scretch and buy the expansions again?


thanks for your help

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1 hour ago, WilliFrosch.7543 said:

Hello Guys,

i started GW2 on Steam and wasnt getting really in to it, i bought here and there some expansions and got finally addicted with the game.

Unfortunatly GW2 on steam makes here and there some problems like starting/launching issues, Steam downtime and for me a big problem the DLC sales arent allways offered on steam.


Is there a way to use my steam account on the normal gw2 launcher where im independent from steam ? like i can buy on a normal way the dlc. ?

maybe the support can change the account from steam to normal gw2 account or something like this ? did anyone heared about this or is it simple not possible and if i want to have a seperate gw2 account i need to start from scretch and buy the expansions again?


thanks for your help

No, unfortunately it's not possible (most likely because steam doesn't want to loose their share of the purchases), so if you want to move to a anet account you will need a new one.

See also https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053416353-Steam-FAQ

Usually the sales should be on steam the same time as in anets shop.

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