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Visual Defects In Our Homestead Since JW Launch

Sugar Min.5834

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1. Wintersday Gift Tree : The tree is toppling at an angle to the front leaving all the Xmas ornaments hanging in the air.  This has been reported few times including this one with images.

2. The Catmanders' Fight : Before, when the fighting starts the teams ran towards each other head on and fight with visual wording effects like 'BAM' 'POW' etc. coming from the dust cloud created from the fights. Now, both teams just run towards an area in front of them (no more head on charge) and the visual wordings now left behind at their start locations, not from where the fights are.

3. Both the Leather Racks on the upper deck of the Workshop is floating above the ground.

4. Lady Wisteria Blood's bloodstone crystal node is no longer in front of her despite her affection emotes (for the bloodstone) are still showing.

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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