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how can you stand playing ranger in general


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never had an issue with my power ranger (make a joke about how i worded that and you gonna be my pet's FOOD)

for gap closers, i use greatsword so i have a charge, and i have a block. plus lightning reflexes for evading in a direction.with soul beast, and my wolf(gratz, you know now who gonna eat ya), i have 2 more charges. one that cripples, one that knocks down.

with my Dolyak stance, i can ignore movement debuffs, and with my focus on survival skills, i remove 2 conditions whenever i use one.

overall, while its on the lower end of my dps scale (coming in at 1340 per secound without crit. compare to thief at 1600 and necro gs at 1460), its cause i focus on toughness(knight). and its one of my most survivable and reliable classes. only Necro coming close (but i prefer ranger due to condi cleanse)

overall, its a good at all class with more than normal resistance to conditions and crowd control. not to mention stun breaks (beastmode, pet skill, lightning reflexes, signet, dolyak stance. with the stability added to all of that, good luck stunning me without a sizable zerg. oh and 3.9k defense when i in beastmode. bring it on thief)

it will never be a star class, but its never going to be crap either. its a jack of all trades, good at all best at none. and thats something i respect. no other class can say they have no clear weakness.

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