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Visual clipping in chest area for human female stomp/finisher animation


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Since the most recent patch, human female characters executing the finish/stomp animation seem to have visual clipping in their chest area. Basically, the chest stays down / is stretched downward even as the body stretches and jumps upward. You can see it in the attached screenshot, but it is more noticeable on a character with a more ample chest than the one I used for this screenshot (for science... no, but really). It did not seem to be affecting Norn female characters; I have not tested all other race/gender combinations, but it definitely appears to affect human females regardless of outfit, as I have tested several of them, both stomping (myself) and being stomped.

100% reproducible by:

  • Being on a human female character
  • Stomping a downed enemy
  • Paying attention to the chest area while doing so

This issue persisted despite upgrading my graphics drivers (had this issue both before and after). It seems to have happened with the latest patch.

Please let me know if you need any more information or if there is an ETA on a fix. I'm hoping this should be an easy one!

Sorry, the image markdown isn't working for me, so here's a link to the screenshot:https://ibb.co/dfh8jm

Would it be possible to get some confirmation from others on this one? I want to make sure this isn't something on my end. It can be tested easily in Heart of the Mists.

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