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Possibly bugged interaction between Firebrand Loremaster trait and WvW banners

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TL;DR: With a WvW banner and the Loremaster trait you can have the Firebrand Virtue passives permanently, even without the Firebrand Specialisation equipped.

Was messing around testing a dragon banner on my burn guardian in WvW when I found that for some reason the Loremaster trait gives you the passives of your virtues while holding the banner. Normally WvW banners disable your class mechanic so your virtue passives are normally not available. I initially thought this may just be some strange interaction but nothing overly gamebreaking since you still cant use your virtues, although justice is rather strong when combined with the banners heavy AoE.

However, when I changed my traits, swapping Firebrand for another core guardian line, the Firebrand passives persisted and still functioned normally. Dropping the banner after this gave me back the normal core guardian virtues while still keeping the Firebrand virtue passive effects. To confirm that both effects were functional I attacked some npcs and as expected the separate justice passives stacked and would trigger twice every 3 attacks (traited with Permeating Wrath). Re-equipping the Firebrand spec removed the extra passive.

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