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Crashes, Desyncs, and Disconnections, oh my!

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Not sure how to put this into a trouble ticket, as it seems so random, but quite a few guildmates have reported a plethora of these issues, some of them since PoF was released.

Crashes:Getting almost daily random crashes. The most common circumstance seems to be when I am on the griffon, flying, descending between wingbeats. Other times it seems rather random, but usually when moving through different regions.

Desyncs:I have seen a ton of client desyncs, where NPCs/PCs won't animate, and just skate across the ground in a stuck pose, people running in place halfway across the map or stuck beneath the ground from where they actually say they are, and with tonight's patch, it has gotten seriously bad; just having a small guild RP outing everyone sees various other people not where they are on their screen.

Disconnections:While some of it for me is related to my potato ISP, guildmates and others on-map when it happens seem to report a spate of disconnect events at times. Some nights, just trying to sit and chat for an hour or two ends up being a game of "Who'll drop next?".

It seems like PoF either added new or aggravated existing edge cases; just wanted to voice them here and see what others are experiencing.

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@ArchaeanDragon.7314 said:Desyncs:I have seen a ton of client desyncs, where NPCs/PCs won't animate, and just skate across the ground in a stuck pose, people running in place halfway across the map or stuck beneath the ground from where they actually say they are, and with tonight's patch, it has gotten seriously bad; just having a small guild RP outing everyone sees various other people not where they are on their screen.

We are experiencing similar syncing issues when trying to play together. People will be in a certain spot but others can't see them. It's been happening since the new build.

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My guild and I had similar syncing issues last night, and we never experienced those before the January 23, 2018 update. On several occasions, a player reported being at a certain location, but everyone else in the party saw him at another place. Almost every party member was affected during the evening. We found that the "out of sync" player could try to "resync" his position by mounting/dismounting, preferably with a different mount than the one he was using before.

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Yeah, I asked Reddit about this too. I’ve been on multiple Hero Point and META event trains in HoT where commanders will be leading us to the next area, and then suddenly be walking into walls and falling off ledges. Worse yet, if I use a teleport to find, they’re still being shown way on the other edge of the map, but I show up where they said they were.

I’m constantly having to reload the page to sync back to my friends and be able to group again. It’s literally unplayable as a small team.

I was doing a party with my boyfriend when it said he was by the Rata Novus Waypoint. I go there, and he’s under the pavement splashing in the water and clipping into walls, occasionally clipping up over the concrete. On his map/game he suddenly uses a mushroom, and I watch him on my screen swirl up through the floor like a drill, then fly away to Gods knows where, then snap back suddenly.

Map Sync is completely broken.

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