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Hands Up If you Squirm At Seeing Your Character Load into Lion's Arch

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You know, that horrible lag of LA since HoT.Answer "Same" if you have loong waits in Lion's Arch loading as compared to other zones and cities of Tyria.Proposal:

  1. REMOVE FRACTAL ENTRY TO ANOTHER INSTANCE PLEASE, LIKE THE AERODROME if you can't get your minds around the idea of removing it out of Lion's Arch altogether.
  2. If removal out of LA is possible, then take it to Rata Sum: why is an Asuran lab sitting in an obviously human-designed city? Take it to Rata Sum as an instance that, like the Aerodrome of Lion's Arch, appears on the same map, but is a separate instance altogether. Give it a neat little Asura gate: Dessa's Lab.
  3. Rotate the Mystic Forge's location to every major city every week or month.
  4. Rotate Dessa's Lab location to every major city every month.
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