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The Story of Aridon, the Firebrand.


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Hi guys, I really wanted to make a story for my own character, I hope you guys like it, this is purely fan fiction, and I in no way work for ArenaNet.

The story begins when the icy mountains of Fortune's Vale within the Crystal Desert in the year 1315, when Aridon, a young human priory arcanist no more older than the age of a teenage human coming into the years of adulthood had set out alone to seek an ancient temple that was said to contain an ancient axe that was said to belong to his father, Malos Erramun, who had never returned from an expedition a group had set out on to seek an ancient runestone said to be the key to secrets that lied within the ruins said to be within the mountains themselves.

Aridon had grown up within the Durmand Priory within the Mountains of Lornar's Pass deep within the Shiverpeak Mountains. He had been brought to the order as a newborn child, after being found in the dying arms of a human mother, who had fallen ill in her goal to reach the order after coming a long way from the Crystal Desert. Having taken her last breath and in a crouching position, a patrol of guards from the Priory had found a diary on her rucksack and along with it an infant human boy that looked no more than a year of age. According to the diary his mother left behind, Aridon was a descendant of a line of Guardians, passed through generations, his mother, Kala Erramun, had came seeking Guidance from the order that her beloved husband had belonged to, seeking for the exact location where her husband had headed. A Magister of the Priory, Jared Kindruniad, who had once been a trainee with Malos, had been assigned to train the child to become a powerful guardian as his father was, as well as educate the infant with knowledge on economics, combat, survival, and magics for defense and healing.

Although the child grew up arrogant, and angry at the world, he grew powerful beyond his colleagues in his art of harnessing magic that Guardians used to smite foes they came upon and healing. Once Aridon had reached the age of 20 years within the Priory, Jared had revealed the diary of Kala which had been kept from him in secret from him. Upon reading the diary, a mysterious figure was described to had met Malos, teaching him an ancient magic that relied on lore from the history of Elona, and so Aridon had set out to sail to the city of Amnoon. Furious with the Magisters of the order for keeping the diary secret from him for so many years, Aridon had set out to set sails to the waters of the Crystal Desert. According to the diary Kala bore with her, Malos and the figure had set out into the icy mountains of Fortune's Vale, only to have never came back, and so before wandering on her own Kala had seeked the Priory to determine where her husband and the mysterious person had gone, since the mission to retrieve the artifact held in the ruins was of the order's request to Malos.

Eventually withered from the icy mountains on a journey that took nearly two months to complete, and climbing the perilous mountains within the Desert Highlands, Aridon had reached his destination, the Fortune's Vale. His equipment bore signs of wear, as the frost had encased his shield and sealed his sword to its scabbard in ice. However, this would not stop him from attaining his father's axe, which he believed to lie within the ruins described by some scrolls he had read in the temple of Koromir. Furiously and filled with rage he had reached the ancient structure itself. It took Aridon what seemed to last a score of miles of walking within the ruins and fighting the vicious creatures that lied within it with the magic he knew to finally reach a skeleton that was lying face down. The skeleton, he noticed, as he knelt to further examine it, held a golden axe in hand tightly grasping it; at last he knew for sure that he had found his father and wept as the sadness had consumed him entirely. When he reached to grab the Axe it unleashed a fire so bright, that wrapped his arm in a snake like formation, the sensation had overwhelmed him in a screaming agony as the fire had soared in him it forced him into an utter burning pain, and his eyes lit up with a vision pointing to this temple that lied within the lands below, hidden beyond a mountain deep within the Elon Riverlands. The fire had burned an etching into his right arm arm with a symbol and his eyes lit upon the swirl of the fire which had now surrounded him, and then in a moment's notice the fire had vanished with a violent blast of wind, Aridon's eyes returned to normal and fell forward onto the cold floor next to the remains of his father.

Aridon awoke with a gasp, all while holding the golden axe in his hand, and an arachnid crawling up his left greave. The axe sprawled itself into action by a force of levitation releasing itself from Aridon's hand and made quick work of the blue arachnid before him. It squealed in agony as a green blood came out of it's gashed wound, and Aridon by surprise had rolled away from the range of the axe and the fallen creature. He stared at the axe which now was on the floor still and motionless, stood up and walked over it. He held it in his hand, and as he did the burning sensation in his arm came back, it was they symbol glowing, it was circular and had a line of texts encased in rims around it, texts which he had never seen before in the Priory. Aridon tried to throw the axe to see if he could manipulate it, but nothing occurred. Aridon wrapped the remains of his father in a spare cloth he had carried with him and burried the remains in an area of dirt that lied under an opening that beamed a light followed by a set of boulders filled with snow, and knelt contemplating the loss of his father. Moments after mourning the remains of his father Aridon put the axe in his rucksack and left the ruins, making his next destination the hidden temple he knew he had to find within the Elon Riverlands within a valley of mountains. Each day he grew closer the symbol on his arm stung more and more; eventually figuring out that the more it had burned the closer he was to finding the hidden temple.

Aridon spent another month in search of the temple each step of the way cursing the heat that sprawled and the sand sharks he had to fend off in the desert, until he finally met with what he felt would be the final mountain he had to climb. However, this time, he noticed the mountain was accompanied by a set of stairs leading into a valley on the other side. The climb was perilous, however, upon reaching the top Aridon noticed a gleaming temple ornamented in gold and stone, and as he made his descent a monk followed by a set of temple guardians appeared before him, each bearing an axe similar to his father's except their axes had the symbol of the guardian glowing brightly on them. However they were not pleased to see the lone wanderer having reached their sacred ground for their axes were levitating in a motion to strike Aridon if he came any closer to the robed monk was shaved bald, barefoot, and covered in tattoos, which Aridon can only figure made him the leader.

"I know why you have come here, you have come seeking vengeance, however it clouds your judgement, Aridon," said the Monk. The monk raised his hand and cast a symbol Aridon had never seen before, his eyes flashed a glowing blue, and the symbol on Aridon's arm glowed and felt a sting that made him feel a deep pain that made him hiss, the monk then reverted, and said "That symbol on your arm, contains your story; it is the symbol of the Firebrand, an ancient line of Guardians, that had attained their power by the titans who descended into the lands long ago. It has been about twenty five years since your father came into this sacred temple and begged me by my feet to teach him our power." The monk then continued, walking closer to Aridon, he began chanting what appeared to be a mantra, and placed his hand on the symbol Aridon bore on his arm. "Your father was an honorable guardian, however, your story remains to be finished written," the monk then began to smile, and the guardians holding their axes in levitation had lowered them. "Come, Aridon, you shall become one of us and one day you can help us fulfill our duty to the world as your father had tried. You too must become a Firebrand, it is out of the question, for you have a purpose to those who have fallen before you."

Aridon felt the stairs behind him begin to disappear with a sudden burst of light, essentially, imprisoning Aridon to his fate within the mountain's valley, and the monk's tattoos began to glow brigthly beneath his skin, as he chanted a different mantra this time. The other monks and guardians behind him formed an intricate circle and began chanting the same mantra behind him. An aura of fire began to surround the monk, and the fire braced itself into Aridon, he could no longer feel pain in his arm, but instead a cool sensation, and suddenly began to scream as he felt a burst of all the knowledge of his ancestors and the ancestors before them rush into his mind. The tattooed monk then yelled, "Aridon, guardian of the Durmand Priory, when foes ignite the dawn of war, let them hear tales of sacred lore, for with its power they shall ignite, bring forth your fire, the guardian's might!" The monk then tapped his staff onto the ground, and unleashed a blast of fire that knocked Aridon unconscious.

For two years Aridon had remained captive to the Temple and learned the ways of becoming a firebrand; the very symbol his father once was. Over the years he had mastered a new power that now burned with his axe as a formidable telekinetic weapon; and had at last earned the Firebrand's War Miter, a helmet symbolizing the honor Firebrands hold. He felt, however, that although his training was finished, he had more left to write in his story. Upon approaching the nameless monk who over the two years led the temple, Aridon knew it was time for him to descend from the mountains and the monk replied with "It is time for you to aid the world in the time of the waking dragons, may fortune follow the story you will write." The monk then chanted a mantra and revealed the stairs that lead up to the temple itself, "Once you leave, you can never come back, I know your heart is true, and with our help, now pure as well." After Aridon said his goodbyes to the other Firebrands within the temple, he descended the stairs he had come from two years ago, only this time when he reached the surface below the mountains they disappeared with the same light he witnessed when he first arrived to the temple. Traveling as a nomad, Aridon welcomed the face of danger as he embarked on his journey to aid the world in times of its corruption, all in memory of his father Malos, and his mother, Kala, bearing their memories in his power.

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