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Dragon Ball Arena

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So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

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@"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is most of your post just one sentence?On topic however, Dragon Ball is actually very balanced. Yes, one team will fill up quicker than the other, but if you are playing during peak times, the difference is a matter of seconds which in the long run makes practically no difference.

Playing 5 hours for 10 wins seems excessive, I would review your strategy and gameplay if it is taking you this long to achieve this. Personally I only wanted 5 daily wins yesterday and was able to complete this in aprox 25 mins as the rounds are so fast.

The fact that there is no other way to get those tokens - well that makes sense, it's in the name "Token of the dragon ball champion". If players were given too many ways of obtaining these, it would spread the population more thinly.

Perhaps it is worth remembering this is a game and not a job - if you are really not enjoying participating in an event, it may be a better idea to try something else.

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@MarshallLaw.9260 said:

@"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is most of your post just one sentence?On topic however, Dragon Ball is actually very balanced. Yes, one team will fill up quicker than the other, but if you are playing during peak times, the difference is a matter of seconds which in the long run makes practically no difference.

Playing 5 hours for 10 wins seems excessive, I would review your strategy and gameplay if it is taking you this long to achieve this. Personally I only wanted 5 daily wins yesterday and was able to complete this in aprox 25 mins as the rounds are so fast.

The fact that there is no other way to get those tokens - well that makes sense, it's in the name "Token of the dragon ball champion". If players were given too many ways of obtaining these, it would spread the population more thinly.

Perhaps it is worth remembering this is a game and not a job - if you are really not enjoying participating in an event, it may be a better idea to try something else.

Ok so your here to bag on my English, well I don't write very well and I put in what I see. I am not a PvP player I Hate PvP I Hate WVW those games are not for me. The events suck if your really want to get down to it.... and their should be more options for us to get the dragon arena token. Lunar year is the worst out of all events of the year, 90% of the people I know don't bother with it and no the Dragon ball arena is not Balanced your wrong. The time I spend in game is none of your Business. for all anyone know it might have been my weekend or I could be retired but like I said that is none of your business. I am not going to let you tell me what a bad person I am because I don't agree with what they have done to Lunar year I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2 and we had more options for events. All of other Holidays either have a JP or a Dungeon or other events you can do to earn gifts or Karma depending on what your goal is... i don't care to crack open 300 fire works its boring..... um even hunting down the fire works in town is boring... I am asking for better options for Lunar year. Everyone should be able to get a token of the lunar Dragon and it should not only be buy doing pvp.

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@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is most of your post just one sentence?On topic however, Dragon Ball is actually very balanced. Yes, one team will fill up quicker than the other, but if you are playing during peak times, the difference is a matter of seconds which in the long run makes practically no difference.

Playing 5 hours for 10 wins seems excessive, I would review your strategy and gameplay if it is taking you this long to achieve this. Personally I only wanted 5 daily wins yesterday and was able to complete this in aprox 25 mins as the rounds are so fast.

The fact that there is no other way to get those tokens - well that makes sense, it's in the name "Token of the dragon ball champion". If players were given too many ways of obtaining these, it would spread the population more thinly.

Perhaps it is worth remembering this is a game and not a job - if you are really not enjoying participating in an event, it may be a better idea to try something else.

Ok so your here to bag on my English, well I don't write very well and I put in what I see. I am not a PvP player I Hate PvP I Hate WVW those games are not for me. The events suck if your really want to get down to it.... and their should be more options for us to get the dragon arena token. Lunar year is the worst out of all events of the year, 90% of the people I know don't bother with it and no the Dragon ball arena is not Balanced your wrong. The time I spend in game is none of your Business. for all anyone know it might have been my weekend or I could be retired but like I said that is none of your business. I am not going to let you tell me what a bad person I am because I don't agree with what they have done to Lunar year I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2 and we had more options for events. All of other Holidays either have a JP or a Dungeon or other events you can do to earn gifts or Karma depending on what your goal is... i don't care to crack open 300 fire works its boring..... um even hunting down the fire works in town is boring... I am asking for better options for Lunar year. Everyone should be able to get a token of the lunar Dragon and it should not only be buy doing pvp.

Well I'm sorry not all of us are as Savvy as you in PvP

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@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is most of your post just one sentence?On topic however, Dragon Ball is actually very balanced. Yes, one team will fill up quicker than the other, but if you are playing during peak times, the difference is a matter of seconds which in the long run makes practically no difference.

Playing 5 hours for 10 wins seems excessive, I would review your strategy and gameplay if it is taking you this long to achieve this. Personally I only wanted 5 daily wins yesterday and was able to complete this in aprox 25 mins as the rounds are so fast.

The fact that there is no other way to get those tokens - well that makes sense, it's in the name "Token of the dragon ball champion". If players were given too many ways of obtaining these, it would spread the population more thinly.

Perhaps it is worth remembering this is a game and not a job - if you are really not enjoying participating in an event, it may be a better idea to try something else.

Ok so your here to bag on my English, well I don't write very well and I put in what I see. I am not a PvP player I Hate PvP I Hate WVW those games are not for me. The events suck if your really want to get down to it.... and their should be more options for us to get the dragon arena token. Lunar year is the worst out of all events of the year, 90% of the people I know don't bother with it and no the Dragon ball arena is not Balanced your wrong. The time I spend in game is none of your Business. for all anyone know it might have been my weekend or I could be retired but like I said that is none of your business. I am not going to let you tell me what a bad person I am because I don't agree with what they have done to Lunar year I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2 and we had more options for events. All of other Holidays either have a JP or a Dungeon or other events you can do to earn gifts or Karma depending on what your goal is... i don't care to crack open 300 fire works its boring..... um even hunting down the fire works in town is boring... I am asking for better options for Lunar year. Everyone should be able to get a token of the lunar Dragon and it should not only be buy doing pvp.

Apologies if you felt victimized, the comment regarding your sentence structure and use of language was in jest.

Dragon Ball is balanced because every player has identical skills, move speed, health pool and attack power from the beginning of any match. Any additional skills gained are RNG so there is no imbalance. You can't get a fairer system within GW2.

How you spend your free time is not one of my concerns, don't be worried about that. My comment simply referenced that the quantity of time it took for your to obtain 10 wins was well above average.

The methods of obtaining certain items are often limited. This is how the game designers want you to play the game.

Lastly, nothing makes me roll my eyes more than this:

@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2

Let me enlighten you, few people care that you are a vet of GW1 - it's like saying you've been to Paris 10 years ago - it really doesn't matter now. A rose-tinted glasses view is rarely the basis of a great argument anyway.

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@MarshallLaw.9260 said:

@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:So what i have seen and dealt with in the dragon arena is kind of unfair for most players. Its has been set up that red team fills with players before the Blue team can fill for players which will cause blue to always be on the losing streak in this event, On top of it you ask me to go to a losing team to volunteer and when i don't want to lose my winning team you force the players to go to the losing team and its a lose lose situation and i still don't get my win i don't get any bonus going to a losing team and i don't get the 10 wins, I need for the token so going round after round is pointless when your being forced onto a losing team, I know I spent more then 5 hours in here the other day just trying to win ten matches which only to find out the most players who are on blue team log out till they get on red team which also handicaps the blue team the other issue I have is red fills up and camps right out of blue teams exit killing all who try to play which is instant defeat by red team..... and their is no other games to try and get the Token of the dragon ball champion in all honesty there should be other games to get tokens to purchase the chest of Divine Luck, Champions Stack or the Chest of 10 considering not everyone is into the PvP thing and I now know why Blue team sucks so bad I really don't think it would be such a bad ideal if you brought some of the original games back like Roller Beatle racing, Rings of Fortune, Nine Rings, Dragon Nest and the Lunar Fortunes back. I honestly looked forward to these old games and i know many of us old time players enjoyed the Lunar Fortunes who does not like to open a bag that could drop goodies the included Lunar blessing, Lucky Aura, gold and my Favorite out of the bag Spiritual possession. I would like to see more options for the games and not for it to be only PvP or racing on a Mount

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is most of your post just one sentence?On topic however, Dragon Ball is actually very balanced. Yes, one team will fill up quicker than the other, but if you are playing during peak times, the difference is a matter of seconds which in the long run makes practically no difference.

Playing 5 hours for 10 wins seems excessive, I would review your strategy and gameplay if it is taking you this long to achieve this. Personally I only wanted 5 daily wins yesterday and was able to complete this in aprox 25 mins as the rounds are so fast.

The fact that there is no other way to get those tokens - well that makes sense, it's in the name "Token of the dragon ball champion". If players were given too many ways of obtaining these, it would spread the population more thinly.

Perhaps it is worth remembering this is a game and not a job - if you are really not enjoying participating in an event, it may be a better idea to try something else.

Ok so your here to bag on my English, well I don't write very well and I put in what I see. I am not a PvP player I Hate PvP I Hate WVW those games are not for me. The events suck if your really want to get down to it.... and their should be more options for us to get the dragon arena token. Lunar year is the worst out of all events of the year, 90% of the people I know don't bother with it and no the Dragon ball arena is not Balanced your wrong. The time I spend in game is none of your Business. for all anyone know it might have been my weekend or I could be retired but like I said that is none of your business. I am not going to let you tell me what a bad person I am because I don't agree with what they have done to Lunar year I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2 and we had more options for events. All of other Holidays either have a JP or a Dungeon or other events you can do to earn gifts or Karma depending on what your goal is... i don't care to crack open 300 fire works its boring..... um even hunting down the fire works in town is boring... I am asking for better options for Lunar year. Everyone should be able to get a token of the lunar Dragon and it should not only be buy doing pvp.

Apologies if you felt victimized, the comment regarding your sentence structure and use of language was in jest.

Dragon Ball
balanced because every player has identical skills, move speed, health pool and attack power from the beginning of any match. Any additional skills gained are RNG so there is no imbalance. You can't get a fairer system within GW2.

How you spend your free time is not one of my concerns, don't be worried about that. My comment simply referenced that the quantity of time it took for your to obtain 10 wins was well above average.

The methods of obtaining certain items are often limited. This is how the game designers
you to play the game.

Lastly, nothing makes me roll my eyes more than this:

@Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:I am a old time player of Guild Wars Lunar year was better balanced compared to GW2

Let me enlighten you, few people care that you are a vet of GW1 - it's like saying you've been to Paris 10 years ago - it really doesn't matter now. A rose-tinted glasses view is rarely the basis of a great argument anyway.

Its Not balanced in anyway... the post I put up was what I have Seen, Experienced, and Heard from other players, even my own guild leader has agreed that everyone continues to drop blue till they get on red team so blue seams to be a grantee losing team.Then because blue don't have enough players they force you to go to the losing team all your time spent on opposing team was lost and you get no reward.Lunar year Has been the worst event of the year and its been that way since day 1 of GW2.

There is No JP. All other event have some kind of JP.

There is no Dungeon. Other events have some kind of Dungeon.

There is no way for a PVE player to earn extra Divine Lucky Envelope's. Which means the Lunar event is unbalanced.

So GW2 is basically saying Lunar new year is meant only for PvP because that is the only way you can get the extra Divine Lucky Envelope's. ( In that case the game is unbalance for all PvE Players)

That is unfair to PvE players, there are a lot of people I know that cringe at the thought of PvP and WvW they don't like it and refuse to do it. and I don't blame them its not fun to die over and over and there is no enjoyment for them in it.

And that would be a good reason for the Lunar event not to be as good as it could be.

The reason I posted some of the old events from GW1 was to hopefully inspire GW2 to make this event worth doing for PvE players.

You Bash me again for being a Vet player... Sham on you.... you just cant help but to make some kind of rude remark to try and justify yourself....

If you did not read my message right I was asking for them to bring back a few games from the 1st GW.GW2 was inspired by the 1st GW and in truth is was a beautifully designed game there are some games they should have brought back and I am not the only person that feels this way.

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Well, I ran into what seemed like hackers the first two days of the event. I would have recorded it but I do not have good software for it. I stopped trying to play as they were always invulnerable to any damage. They literally stood in front me laughing because they were immune to damage. I won't be going back, just not worth my time.

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