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Arrival and Survival bug (Lay of the Land)


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Each step of this mission is bugged and has troubles with progression. I've managed to push it to the step, where I have to find the scientist and the tracker, through relogging and TPing around the map during dialogues, but I don't know how to progress from this step. I've talked to the scientist, he said thst the device is probably broken and progress stopped, this time completely I guess :(Anyways, if you want to progress on the first step, when you arrive, you can TP somewhere around the map, without leaving it, and return back. This will help. The next step with kidnapped scientist can be fixed by relogging. Gl hf.

UPD: actually, you can progress through the step with the broken device by TPing around the map!UPD2: you can progress through all bugged steps of DM missions either by relogging or by TPing within the map during the dialodues. Enjoy!

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So far, I've been able to advance the story twice when it was stuck by talking to whatever NPC I needed to talk to (First Mate, Scientist, etc), then teleporting to a waypoint somewhere else in Draconis Mons and waiting for the conversation to finish (or something like that, the new quest markers appeared a little while after I teleported, but they didn't if I teleported back to try again too soon...?).

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