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Massive Desync


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I know it's patch day and all that jazz, and the servers are dying on all fronts, but the desync in PvP has been terrible as of late. Players are going down but their model and location according to the server are desync'd, resulting in being unable to finish enemies off and having to run around cleaving hoping to hit them while they're down. Not only this, but the player model location may be different for different players, resulting in enemy players being able to revive downed players outside of fights/LOS.

Also, there is a serious bug with Deadeye at the moment where if they teleport then immediately kneel they are able to desync themselves, with their animations and projectiles originating from a false character model, resulting in them being unable to be hit.

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Noticed this as well - mostly in spvp and not in wvw which is strange. The issue, as usual, seem to be strongest with mobility skills - hitting thief between evading attacks is impossible with this as animation ends in different moment than the skill. Skill such as guardians teleport sometimes animates teleporting back and forth 2-4 times before it settles.

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