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Broke through invisible wall north of Sandswept Islands

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My character is named Kovulf, and the time it's 23:20 ish at -3 GMT

Well, exploring I ended up at the end of the map, and I suppose it shouldn't be, it's not a GREAT bug or something, just saying there is some spots you can jump over (... or below) to go from one side of the island to another easily (there are no mobs and it's almost flat terrain)UAS5Txj.jpg

This shows where I could do this, went around the north-east part of the island with griffon, and then switched to spronger in a flat rock, started to jump at max heigth and ended over the rocks and the cave with tents at the unknown PoIldsLvyc.jpg

This is how far I got before started to upload the pictures, I could get further, but I believe you can get the overall ideaTH9M3lg.jpg

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I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure how to get that POI, I notice you didn't get it even though you seemed to be right on it, it's the last thing I need for the zone clear :(


LOL, after posting this I went back and found the not-exactly-small cave entrance. /sigh

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