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"Speak to Zalambur" still marked, stalls when revisiting.

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Despite completing the "Speak to Zalambur" quest, it is still indicated on my map to need completion. In the quest module in the UI, it said I still needed to complete it for a while, but it is no longer there. It only appears on the map, and when I go to his office, it asks me to enter the instance.

I completed it in a party, and ever since, it has indicated that I still need to do it.

I have gone back into the instance several times, with and without my party member, and Zalambur will talk to the people in front of him for a moment, and then stall. No dialogue is said afterwards, and I'm not prompted to do anything. I can just leave the instance by running out.

I am at the 'find a clear signal' part of the quest now. I can progress, but it still shows up that I need to talk to Zalambur on the map.

My party member does not have this issue.

We didn't crash during the quest, and I was in their instance. It let me accept progress when we finished it.


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