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[JQ] & [CD] LFGuild casual Fractals & World Stuff


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Hi all. My boyfriend and I are looking for a guild to run stuff with. We've been 80 for a few weeks now. We're full exotic geared healing elementalist (he hasn't unlocked Tempest yet) and ranger (I haven't unlocked Soulbeast yet). We mostly play later in the night & on weekends since I am attending school and that's when I'm free to play more often than not. We're looking for a guild to run stuff with. This could be fractals, dungeons, or even just going around getting hero points from the two expansion zones so we can learn Tempest & Soulbeast. Obviously we're gay so the guild must be ok having us there. We understand the basic mechanics of the game but have never done any grouping up other than with each other and various zone events we've came across. We would love to see our first dungeon or even fractal. Not so worried about raiding right now but that is an eventual goal of ours is to raid as well. The reason we're not so worried about raiding right now is because we know we have't unlocked the two raiding elite specs yet.

Either shoot me an invite or message in game if you want to discuss things or reply here too. Thanks!

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  • 11 months later...

Heyy guys! I'm in (SYM) Strapping Young Men based on Maguuma ( not required). We are a PvX Gaymer guild whom is looking for more guys to join. We are very chill and drama free; no elitism present within the community. We are not as active as we previously were but we are hoping that with new members we can stir up activities like raids, PvP, WvW and social initiatives. HMU if you would like more details.

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Hey there. I am a part of a very active and social PvE guild. We are extremely welcome and friendly towards helping players with content and questions.

We do raid trainings multiple times a week at reset, weekday and weekend. We have multiple statics with more forming when trainees become experienced enough.

We also do fractals, CMs, guild missions, open world, and some PvP/WvW. Our guild is level 69 (max) with all buffs and upgrades, so you can expect our guild hall to be decked out with all the vendors and material nodes. We use our guild hall to host unique events, such as treasure hunts, musical chairs, and an event with three legendary weapon prizes is currently being planned for.

We've been around since 2015. We're pretty chill, adult-oriented for the most part, and most members come online at and around reset. There are regularly 40+ online durig this time daily. Feel free to join discord.gg/PreGPDX for an invite, or if you have any questions.

Take care.

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