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Class stacking in AT


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@Zlater.6789 said:

@ZombieSlayeR.8702 said:Yeah but u loose with 5 guards so git gud.

I think he meant for PoF, stacking revs used to be a thing when HoT came out.

We hit today the halffinals only with guards... now think about 5 Scourge with perma stacking barrier or some s**t

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@david.4915 said:

@Zlater.6789 said:

@ZombieSlayeR.8702 said:Yeah but u loose with 5 guards so git gud.

I think he meant for PoF, stacking revs used to be a thing when HoT came out.

We hit today the halffinals only with guards... now think about 5 Scourge with perma stacking barrier or some s**t


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I believe class stacking is a problem in pvp at the moment, but my main concern is that when you enter the arena you should only be able to play the char you entered with, this would help in stopping class stacking, so have some conviction with what you go in with and we may stop seeing stacked necro's and dh almost every match

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@david.4915 said:Anet removed class stacking in sPvP sadly u can enroll in the daily AT with for example 5 Guardians, i hope Anet gonna fix this fast befor ppl to start abusing again class stackinghttps://clips.twitch.tv/EagerDaintyHumanNerfBlueBlaster

problem isn't class stacking, but class balance.if taking 5 of 1 class makes it OP then that class clearly needs some reworking on its mechanics to prevent this. not just removing the ability to bring the class you enjoy the most.this is for me a 101 game design lesson. I would like to point to TTK balancing which, when applied correctly, eliminates such issues in general.

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