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Zlater.6789's Achievements

  1. For me, the real problem is understanding why exactly I won or lost a particular engagement. This comes down largely to tells and the display of information. And I think the game does a really bad job of communicating this information, which leads to fairly mixed opinions of PVP balance and fairly unenjoyable gameplay. Let me explain by using 2 opposing examples of losses. Being denied a stomp by a heralds chaotic release. While yes it's a powerful skill, there is 0 doubt about it's use. If you get hit by this skill, you know for sure that it is probably your fault. That thing has a 10 minute animation and it pays off big time for landing it. When it's used properly, the person using it is pogchamp and even often the guy getting hit can't help but to respect the heralds timing and gameplay decision.Going down in a team fight to plaguelands. This is the opposite, here is a skill in PvP that's hard to see and easy to disguise. If you get hit it's really hard to see what killed you, even the death recap only shows the conditions that killed you and not the reason why you got conditioned to begin with. After a while you'll know it when you see it, and it's not a hugely popular skill in the current meta. But it's a great example of a skill with a "cancerous" design. This to a new player, I have no doubt would cause an immense amount of frustration."Nobody likes dying to cheese" Condition applying skills are all mostly great examples, but it's not just condis. Poor communication can extend to boons even. A decapitate might not kill you, where a decapitate with 25might would. And yeah I know that a lot of people are gonna say "but boons are l2p." But I say there is a very serious argument for the lack of clarity of boons. Imagine this:A thief +1's you from stealth and you go down, somehow he has 25 might but you don't have time to click on his bar in all of the panic.A thief +1's you from stealth and you go down, but this time when he does it there is a big yellow might symbol over his head that acts like a warning "hey I have a LOT OF MIGHT IM GONNA HURT" The feedback in both instances would be vastly different. In the first you'd be receiving feedback on the forums along the veins of "stealth op, nerf backstab." In the second case, if you get feedback at all, might go along the veins of "where the hell did this thief get 25 might from, pls help somebody." Yeah, some things might add to the visual noise of the game. But if we can get it just right- so the important information is toned to be more clear and the less important information less clear, it would be far better. 25 might is a huge game changer, and a little more information other than a symbol on a status bar would be pretty helpful.
  2. I think it's pretty simple. Why don't they allow delta to continue maintaining arcdps build templates. And Anet they themselves just make a BETTER PRODUCT?
  3. Wow, I'm actually impressed by the scale of these changes. I mean sure there is a lot of conversation to be had about them, positive and negative, but they are meaty. I'm really happy to see Anet getting in there and reworking entire trait lines like this, kudos for the effort. Feels good to finally have a tiny bit of hope for the game again Loving the ranger sword changes btw.
  4. Let me ask the questions that people actually care about. What's the plan for the future, do you plan to keep focusing on content surrounding the metal legion in future episodes?Was the metal legion enough of a pull to salvage the game from the disaster that happened around the announcement?What are your impressions regarding what your players feel about the 54-step collection for the rockout emote? Do you think it was too short, long or just right?
  5. The warrior warhorn changes feel clunky. Fury and resistance are good choices. But there are some problems. The coupling of resistance, condition cleanse and barrier doesn't make sense, you only need 1 or the other. Make it resistance base line, give it a long duration and remove the barrier and condition cleanse portion of the skill. Barrier is a bad defensive choice anyway because it's not thematically appropriate for warrior. Consider making it protection instead. I'd also urge against aoe stability, we don't need that kind of power creep via boon spread in the other game modes. Chaos Chrono and FB is enough proof for that. 10-25% damage on the next 2 attacks basically makes this a meaningless bonus effect because it will get wasted on small packets of damage. Why don't you make this interesting? Make it an effect that scales off your stats. For example: Increases outgoing damage of nearby allies by (concentration/ 35) % for (concentration/ 60) seconds. Overall warhorn just feels like a mishmash if different effects. It lacks any identity.
  6. I think the biggest problem with LB is lost of definition.From what I can tell it is supposed to be a ranged CC and burst damage weapon. Let's just say that's what they wanna keep it as, making deflecting shot knockdown baseline would be a smart change. But then you would probably want to opposite from symbol of energy, instead of making it faster, make it slower with very high initial damage. This would make it easier to weave it in with another skill for actual burst damage.
  7. IDK if it was mentioned before, but being able to rename inventory and bank tabs would be amazing!
  8. @Benjamin Arnold.3457 I hope Im pinging the right person because this has been brought up numbers of times already and nothing has been done. Using mushrooms blessing with high ping causes the skill to get used and nothing to happen.Accidently using mushroom blessing while in combat can cause it to just totally delete itself, forcing you to leave and reenter the special forces training arena.Using a mistlock singularly outside of combat with high ping does not reset skills.Using adrenal mushrooms with high ping might not reset skills.
  9. I designed a fully fleshed out e-spec around gs earlier on. I don't want to take too much of your time, but if you have any to spare I would absolutely love if you would have a look and offer some feedback and criticism on it! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/34762/support-formal-thief-e-spec-recommendation-the-shadow-consort#latest
  10. When, this spec do have burst skill. On the top of the suggestion: And this burst is similar to warrior. It depends on your weapon, different weapon have different burst.However, this burst is quite different, because it uses charges. And this spec have different charges: red for damage, blue for conditions, green for sustain/defense.This spec can have up to 3 charges of any color, so you can mix what you need for example 2 red charges and 1 blue charge will give quite a lot of direct damage and some conditions, or you could mix 2 green charges and 1 red charge for sustain and a little bit of damage. So, key differences:1) Warrior's burst is static and always the same, maniac's burst depends on the charges you generate and you can have variety of different things with just one burst of one weapon2) Maniac's burst have three distinctive effects on of single burst and you can't attune your build to one of them, two of them or all three of them Well, lets talk about power builds. So, triats: Red charges are power charges. Generating more charges and having higher charge limit (up to 4) by default increase maximum damage you can do. Also, generating maximum power charges you gain stacks of might. Because you will going power route, you will scoring critical strikes quite often, generating red charges. And after you perform burst, you will regenerate initiative allowing to spam your damaging abilities even more.Similar analogy goes for condition damage.This elite do have lots of damage increasing traits, most of them actually. They are just cleverly hidden behind functionality of charges. No, they just stay on you until you use them up. They change your burst skill and that's all. They already provide lots of power, so adding even more power would be too much. No, too many core traits and core abilities work with initiative to replace it. And there are 3 TOTAL charges you can have. Not 3 of every color, but 3 in total regardless of colors. Honestly I just dont think its enough, if I were to benchmark something like this I'd be expecting somewhere in the range of 25k or lower, in pve that's not enough to be considered a dps spec, since this is still a very selfish spec it couldn't be considered a support spec either. I'd be looking for damage modifiers or absolutely insane co-efficients on greatsword. But generally you don't want that because it creates a giant disparity between the GS and its other weapons, not to mention it has the potential to do stupid burst that will just break the crap out of PvP. In PvP id be running zerk/scholar GS/GS all of the way xD Literally every skill is an evade knockback or block, you just chain those fellas together and pump initiative regen up forever, then hit them with a GS burst and you've won literally every matchup.
  11. This looks really fun, honestly a lot of these skills though are skills I would love to use with steal, it's sad to see steal go. I have a few questions for you: The charge skills sound just like warriors burst skills, what makes them different enough to give them a new type? I thought this might be a very strong dps in PvE and a strong brawler in pvp, but I don't see any traits that support that though. I especially missed any significant damage increasing traits. So I wonder where do you envision this in the meta and what sort of roles this would fill? What role do the charges play other than an increase the potential strength of charge-up skills? Do they offer any other benefits to the player? Have you considered replacing initiative with a charge bar? It would be a bit of a deviation, but it seems like a natural fit because there is 9 initiative points and 9 charge points and both have similar functions. I think there would be some really interesting synergy with preexisting traits, especially those in trickery.
  12. @Gaile Gray.6029 didnt we just have a Q&A on reddit about LWS4E2? Why do it again instead of a different topic? I mean I don't wanna sound like I'm ungrateful, but it seems a little redundant :tongue:
  13. There is only 1 reason, it's for efficiency. Maybe a nomads thief will never die, but it will also never kill anything. If that's you, you are not welcome to join :C
  14. Ok so I've been playing for a while, but I never liked wvw. I still don't, but I still have to do it for gifts of battle and wvw infusions. As far as I can tell the most efficient method is to get your participation really high by running around capping random camps and stuff, then just afk at the base until you need to refresh participation. Is this really all there is to it, or is there more? Is there a more efficient way to farm badges, I feel like I'm missing something?
  15. I uhh yeah I don't even know what to say, this is umm a thing of total beauty. Hmm it's like really really hard, like really reallly realllly hard to... Improve, on what you did here. Don't worry though I have some good input I hope. Something I noticed is that a lot of these skills already kinda exist sorta. Take twisting fangs for example, did you know that this is actually already a thief weapon skill? It exists, you can use it right now in game. Or palm strike, I thiiiiiiiiiink that might already be a thief skill. And one last thing... Uhh I don't know if you know this but there are already some trait things called deadly arts and shadow arts (but don't worry not even sindrener knows they exist they are so secret, so it's fine if you missed those). Now aside for these tiny naming things, yeah I think this is perfect and yeah literally it's perfect in every single way... Yep... Perfect.
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