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[EU][PvE] Forming a static raid group


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We're currently 5 people looking for more raiders to build a stable static roster. We continuously strive to better ourselves, and seek people with a similar mentality.

Our raiding times are currently Monday and Tuesday from 19:00 UK time onwards, though not set in stone.


A minimum of 200 LI, simply to prove you have raided and are probably aware of the majority of the mechanics.

We expect you to pull your own weight. First-timers and those fixated on just one class need not to apply. You must have good, in-depth understanding of whatever class you’re bringing.


Ofcourse we need to figure out if you're a good fit for us. On the other hand, you must feel like you've hit the right place and can bond with us. The trial is simply pulling you into one of our raids, to put your knowledge and personality to the test.

For more information, send an ingame mail or whisper to FerrenoNL.7928

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