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[Bug] Mini Green Griffon Hatchling

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I'm experiencing a bug that does not allow me to craft the green griffon hatchling. I am using the recipe that is stated on the blue griffon hatchling (1 blue, 2 red, 4 unidentified dyes). I have tried many combinations, but cannot get it to work. Crafting the Blue Griffon Hatchling is no issue.

04/11/2018 3 AM Central Standard Time ZoneLion's ArchKel Doran Vizir, 80, Human, WarriorNo in a group

Thank you~

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Have you tried a different order? Dyes-Red-Blue-Dye, or Blue-Red-Dyes-Red, etc.? That often works with MF recipes.

I have tried every combination I can think of. And every time I go to add whatever one ends up last, it grays out, as though it doesn't recognize the combination. I can still add them all into the slots, but the "Forge" button remains grayed out.

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@Ezeprophet.3718 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Perhaps, a screenshot would be helpful.Have you tried a different Mystic Forge?

Also, your inventory is not full, is it?

My inventory is only about half full. I haven't tried a different M. Forge, and I'll attempt that right now. If that doesn't work, then I'll send screen shots~

It seems the Lion's Arch forge was the issue (not sure why?) I used the Forge on the Lily of Elon and it worked right away.

Perhaps the Lion's Arch Forge is bugged, but only for the green one, I crafted the blue one there just fine.

Anyways, thank you so much for your suggestions~ =)

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