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Looking for PvP/WvW Guild


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I'm a fairly new player, but I main in Guardian, but I'm also trying to pick up the Necromancer. Haven't been doing bad in Conquest with a guardian bunker build. Not too much experience in WvW, but would love to learn. I'm on Pacific Time (-8:00) and mostly free during Fridays and Saturdays.

Add me, PM me, or reply to this comment if interested. Thanks!

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What server are you on? If you are on NA servers, We accept those on any NA server.

Phantom Soul Reavers [sOUL] is a growing guild based in NA servers, focusing mainly on PvE, guild missions, fractals, leveling our guild hall to get you more available upgrades! We are mature, 22+ to 25+, female and LGBT friendly, and do not tolerate unnecessary drama. We began in February 2018 and already have a solid active member base but continue to maintain a small, family community atmosphere where members can feel like part of the group and not get left behind.

We have a wide range of players from just starting out (playing for a few days) to seasoned veterans who have been playing since original Gw2 launch. We run twice weekly organized fractals with a patient and experienced fractal leader who is committed to teaching mechanics and making sure everyone gets through. During weekly fractals we form as many groups as needed to include all players interested. We have some members who run t4 fractals and who are looking for more to fill their ranks, so all levels are appreciated.

Weekly guild missions are the other main event on Fridays and Sundays, so we can continue to level the guild hall and provide more upgrades to members. Guild events are 30 mins to 1 hour after reset, and we have members from Eastern, Central, and Pacific time zones.

If you think we may be a good fit for you, please don't hesitate to whisper or mail me (Aslan.6978) in game and check out our website. We have a short application process which takes a few minutes, so we can get to know you a bit better and see if we are a good fit for you. Happy guild hunting!


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@"Darpac.3526" said:So. Yeah, the title says "PvP/WvW" lol. I have a guild for that stuff, sorry.

Also, bump..

LOL anyway my guild is called the (CIS) Confederacy of Independent Systems we do world vs world on Stormbluff isle Server (NA). I myself on my main character have 2 siege commander spoons and i have learned a lot in my time in World v World. Like for one focus on defending what camps towers and keeps you have rather than go after say a tier 3 castle with a large enough force so just mail me in game or reply to my comment Thanks for your time!

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Hey Darpac!

I help lead and command for [TKx] Top Knocx. We are a late NA/OCX fight focused guild. We have been together as a guild 4+ years. We raid all 3 days on the weekend, plus 1-3 days during the week depending on commander availibility. We usually field about 15-25 TKx for raid. We run open(public) and closed(TKx only) raid nights.

We are a WvW-fight focused guild. So our rallies are always focused on finding fights in WvW. However, our members partake in other aspects of the game together and help each other outside of WvW raids. We also play other games together some during off time like Overwatch, Fortnite, PUBG, or whatever people wanna do!

You must be 18+ to join and be an adult(by personality). We can be very vulgar and insane; We like to have fun and joke around. With that being said, we always make sure we are respectful to fellow TKx. Drama is not tolerated in this guild at all, because of this I cannot remember the last time we had drama in TKx.

TKx is a family. We take care of each other: in game and out of game.

Our raids start at 12:30am US-Eastern. Raids last at least 3 hours, sometimes we go much longer, it really depends on my availibility. We always raid 3 days on the weekend at least, sometimes during the week. This is all announced daily on our discord.We are pretty chill on attendance, real life comes first and we trust our members to show up to raid as often as life allows them. We ask players to try and make at least 2 raids per week. If someone is not making an effort to attend raid and not communicating reason for lack of attendance, they will be removed from guild pretty quickly.

Overall we're pretty chill. We simply expect our members to come in raid and always try to improve themselves. Regardless of winning a fight or losing a fight, we ALWAYS look to do something better. Every single engagement. However, our performance in combat is something we are very hardcore (not chill) about.If you are playing like trash, we will not hesitate to call you out. But we will also help you and train you. We have frequent group training nights and do individual training as well.

We are currently on Yak's Bend. This week YB is open status, so now is a good time to xfer if you are interested. Servers typically change full/open status on Mondays. YB is usually full, so this week is maybe the only opportunity to transfer to YB you'll get, if you're interested in joining at all, want to make sure you get moved over before Monday.

Below I am going to attach a document that shows our basic rules and expectations.Before you bother reading:

  • We do require our members to have a working microphone, that they are willing to use frequently.
  • We run comped builds, you run TKx builds when raiding. No exceptions.
  • Communication is #1 in TKx. We are good communicators.

TKx expectations:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qc3wRRKAorElxkSmtjLD9TZAiWQTs0Mlm3PlVi-7Q9w

If you are interested in joining please mail me in game using Montana.8032 :)TKx does require an interview to join, so we will need to set up a time for that.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Even if you're not interested in TKx, I am happy to help however I can!

Best of luck!-Mits(Montana.8032)TKx Leader

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