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why gw2 does so low balance


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The perfect balance is impossible but i don't understand why they do so minmal change. i mean as exemple: war since pof is the same build(the only change is rousing resilience) or other exemple mesmer meta build is everytime with same weapons, chrono or mirage is with sword staff since hot. And for me it's one reason why pvp is dead. idk i would like each 2-3 month every class have a total new meta build and not the same boring build everytime. (srr if my english is not good) What do u think ?

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@jsp.6912 said:The perfect balance is impossible but i don't understand why they do so minmal change. i mean as exemple: war since pof is the same build(the only change is rousing resilience) or other exemple mesmer meta build is everytime with same weapons, chrono or mirage is with sword staff since hot. And for me it's one reason why pvp is dead. idk i would like each 2-3 month every class have a total new meta build and not the same boring build everytime. (srr if my english is not good) What do u think ?

ArenaNet prefers to nerf good builds such as the s/d thief build that uses Deadly Arts, Acrobatics and Trickery. Not too long ago, they nerfed some of the Acrobatics traits for no reason. They never explained why these changes were implemented and from my point of view, they just want to nerf builds that are good and don't need any buffing or nerfing in the first place.

Instead of nerfing something that's good, how about they buff something that's lackluster, like core power/condition engineer? I'm a long time core power engineer and I still play it to this day, even in PvP. The Holosmith, as much as I hate the specialization does what core engineer does, but does it better. The best way to buff core engineer is to buff the kits. No need to change the traits or at least not the good ones, just buff the kits, give them some sort of a rework, like the Med Kit which was an amazing rework.

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