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Extra strike boosters: no effect on last node of a node farm

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Something I've noticed with the introduction of the Glyph of Bounty (prolly gonna post a bug report about this soon too). Last node of a node farm (ie flax farm, cabbage farm, also winterberry bushes as 2 winterberry bushes = 1 node farm apparently) can not ever get an extra strike from item booster or glyph of bounty or gathering booster. I also figure all the oysters nodes are also node farms as I've heard they can't get extra strikes? Have yet to confirm myself. As you see my findings are based on plant nodes, haven't tested on elder wood node farms (don't think they are node farms though as respawn time is 1h).There's 2 possibilities for this thing: it's either a bug or a technical limitation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have nnnnnnooo idea what I'm talking about in this reply, but I figure the whole thing is to "nullify" ungathered nodes in case a player (for example in a 8-node node farm) gathers 4 nodes and goes into another instance of the same map (which of course has all 8 nodes up) and starts gathering them, then after 4 nodes the rest would be "nullified" to prevent getting more than the "daily cap" which is equal to amount of nodes in the node farm (without gathering boosters). Think I'm spot on with this part.Now's the pure speculation part (because the "fix" for this bug/technical limitation is in changing how that thing is triggered and applied): I'm guessing there is no way to differentiate between extra strike gathers from a node and "core" gathers (aka gathers a node would give by default, like just 1 gather from all plant nodes or 3 from lumber/ore nodes) then the game counts how many nodes have been farmed (like counting "trues") and once it hits the cap, all nodes are nullified. But why not nullify just nodes that have not yet been gathered? In theory that would also "fix" the problem of extra gathers disappearing on ungathered nodes once harvesting last node of the node farm (well, no always the "last node" if you switched instances, but you know what I mean.. I hope). I of course have no idea what I'm talking about and how the spaghetti works or looks and I'm no expert on anything except on knowing nothing.

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