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Maxed noob LFG

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I leveled to 80 in vanilla and then I stopped playing for a while. The game seems much improved since then, but Ive yet to buy the xpacs. I'm looking to do PvP and PvE, and I will require some reminders/teaching. I do have a pretty bad speech impediment, but my ears work fine so I'd like to be on some kind of VoIP like Discord,Vent or TS.

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Hi Hallwaxer, you could give us a try, Tyrs Paladium [TYRS] is a casual adult gaming guild with members 30-50+ in age. We concentrate on PvE, but participate in all game modes with a no man left behind mentality.

We use TeamSpeak for voice comms, but its not required. As you mentioned, its really most helpful to be able to hear than anything, especially when doing some group content like fractals and guild missions.

You can read more about us here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27147/na-tyrs-tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild

And if this sounds like the place for you, come on over to our website (https://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com )

You will need to create a Shiv forum account to gain access:Click GW2 in the upper left to select the Guild Wars 2 ChapterClick APPLY in the upper rightComplete the ApplicationWe look forward to hearing from you!

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