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[NA][PvX][Mag] LFGuild For a New-ish Player

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Hey, my wife and I are on Maguuma as well! Although server doesn’t matter these days except for WvW. Our guild, Sanctum of Ventari, May be a good fit for you. We are a small group and active mostly on weeknights and weekends, but we enjoy making close friendships and have new and returning players. We have walked new players through end game content and are happy to help with any questions or relearning the game mechanics. I was out of the game for a few years but found this group when I started playing again and it has been fun to make new friends here! We are on NA servers and 20+ and use discord to hang out and communicate for missions, group content, view calendar, etc.

Here is a quick registration form if you’d like to join. Me or one of the other officers will get you set up! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. In game: Aslan.6978 Discord: Aurum#8075


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