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Charr Personal Story "Undead Detection" Choosing an Order bug

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At the point in the quest where you are asked to officially choose an order to support I chose to join the the Vigil and then force quit the game, I did not start the quest that comes after. After reloading the instance had been reset and I went through the dialogue again and chose to join the Priory and completed the next story mission with them.The level 40 personal story ended up being the Vigil path. I had assumed this was because the game simply took the first choice and resetting the instance didn't matter. However for the level 50 personal story I chose the Skritt path and the game is again acting as if I had joined the Priory.When I made the choice to join an order I was in the Hero's Canton, the character name is Valstrax and is a level 80 Charr warrior and I was palying solo.

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EDIT: The first mission for the Skritt considered me as a member of the Priory as the Priory mentor npc was there. However, after completing that mission and choosing to steal black powder from the centaurs, the next mission had both the Priory and Vigil mentor npc's in the instance.

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