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Refund and repurchase expansion to upgrade?

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I started playing GW2 again after years of hiatus and purchased the POF and HOT expansions combo pack with the 30% discount code. Now I'm thinking I should've purchased the digital deluxe version of POF. I sent a ticket asking if I could upgrade for the difference (at the discounted price) but read CS takes a while to reply. Since the discount code expires this Friday and I'm still within my refund period, should I just go ahead and ask for a refund and repurchase the expansions again? Would this affect my current progress for characters going through the expansion content?

Thought I would reach out here to get everyone's experiences/thoughts.

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A response for a refund request is unlikely to be any faster than a response for upgrading. If your request is in during the sale period, the Team may be able to honor it after the period.

To be sure to take advantage of the sale price, you could purchase the Deluxe bundle, and then request the other bundle be refunded.

Good luck.

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