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[EU][Deso][PvX] Syndicus [SYN] Recruiting new, returning and old players!


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Hi, future recruit! :3 Are you looking for a new place to call home? Are you looking for some guidance as a new player? Are looking to have a fun time while spending time in Tyria and making new friends? Then you're right where you need to be!

Syndicus has been around as a community for quite a while. We have branched into other games, one of them being Destiny 2 where we went by the name Essence of Light. A few of us have been here since the beginning days of Guild Wars 2, but at some point, we all left Tyria behind. Now we are back stronger than ever and we're rising from the ashes of former glory like a phoenix to eventually overcome challenges we set for ourselves.

Things to note if you're interested in becoming a member of a secret society Syndicus:

  • Age restriction is 18+, we do make exceptions for outstanding individuals
  • Do not treat others in a way you wouldn't want to be treated
  • We have a discord server that we use daily for communication

As a guild, we established ourselves as PvX. We do all the content that is possible in the game: sPvP, WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, good old farming. We are also planning to do some raiding in the future ;) A thing to note if you join us for WvW we are on Desolation, so make sure you're part of that server as well B)If you have any questions you can leave them down below or contact me Kwonji.6092 :3

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