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Game Crashing

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Hey guys. I recently had a low performance issue but I fixed it by selecting the physx card to my gtx1070. Since then, when I start the game, the fps is improved to 45 fps from 20 with settings maxed, but as soon as i make my character move in game, the game crashes, has anyone else encountered this, or do you guys have any solutions? Thanks for the help!

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@juxxer.9540 said:

@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:Can you post the details of the crash -- just the first section, please.

D you mean post the details of the crash of the game or the computer. My computer crashed, no the game and there wasnt any game message.

Oh. Your whole computer crashed, and restarted? You have a hardware problem. Check that your fans are working correctly, that your power connections are right, and generally work through the process for eliminating a hardware issue.

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