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How far can you go...


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... as a support firebrand turning a mid fight to your favor? What I mean for example can your teammates tunnel vision the focus target and use all CDs offensively because whatever dmg they eat in the process you are able to cleanse/heal/etc?

The reason im asking:At my usual rating lvls (1100-1400) the first teamfight is a deciding event 70% of the time or more. Ppl dont even try to leave a losing fight or try it too late. There are some turnarounds here and there but mostly thats the scenario. My guess is that it happens when your team has higher rated players as sidenode fighters or roamers, while the enemy team has higher rated players in teamfighter roles. And at these ratings it seems big fights decide the game as ppl are not aware enough (including myself) how to counter a strong teamfighter comp with smart rotations. Conclusion: you gotta win or at least stall teamfights so your sidenoders or roamers can do their job.

So accepting the situation - I was experimenting with holo, scourge and support FB (around like 30 unranked games in the past 4-5 weeks). Holo and scourge seemed to do wonders if the skill gap wasnt so big or was in my team's favor. But when the enemy team was stronger, the best I could do was dying last or running away.

So how far can you go with facetanking and playing healbot/cleansebot for your team? Is support FB even worse than a dmg class?

p.s.: Dont forget: we are talking about low/mid rating here. I gotta figure out the 'run in and die or win' game before I can get more tactical.

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You should be able to hit plat 2 this season on support fb. Plat 3 is probably not possible.

That being said it'll be an exercise in frustration. You'll feel better and perform better playing hybrid firebrand. Spec for symbols and radiance.

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