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No SPvP updates in almost ever.

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How come anet has not made a new spvp map in like months or even says if they are working on one, and further more why have they not tryed to make more game modes, try to make pvp a little more fun and engaging by having different game mods. Then you even have WvW which has not been updated in years. My real and only question is why are the PvP game modes of GW2 neglected? Is it because when you guys try to update these game modes the PvP communtity gets mad, because you guys don't understand the reasons behind why they are mad, so you just decided no new content for the PvP players. Is it because you think PvP is fine where it is, even tho it isn't? I would really love to know why there has not been any actually new game modes like CtF or like a bigger map with 5 points and ten players or something of the sort like that, well and why WvW has not been updated in years how big is the team thats working on WvW like 3 people?

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