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game disconects at last minuit of story and i have to restart from square 1

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@"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:The thread at https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28354/storyline-disconnects/ is the primary one for this issue. It includes suggestions that have worked for some people.

Meanwhile, if you don't mind, what brand and model of router do you use?

be nice if they actually reopened the thread, but that would take effort. Just like fixing it. But they cba with either it seems

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i did that but nothing worked. It's getting to the point where I think a refund is my only option as I paid to have an enjoyable experiance not be frustrated to all hell. ive 300mbs connection and no other game DC's. Infact this game doesnt except for the quests. I bought the game to play the quests and feel short changed

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@Lutharr.1035 said:

@"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:The thread at
is the primary one for this issue. It includes suggestions that have worked for some people.

Meanwhile, if you don't mind, what brand and model of router do you use?

be nice if they actually reopened the thread, but that would take effort. Just like fixing it. But they cba with either it seems

As @Gaile Gray.6029 said in the post before locking it, they were doing so until the connection issues from the new episode launch were resolved. I presume it will rather shortly be unlocked, since we seem to be at the end of them. (Though I can't, of course, know if there are still issues that are simply not hitting me personally.)

@Lutharr.1035 said:i did that but nothing worked. It's getting to the point where I think a refund is my only option as I paid to have an enjoyable experiance not be frustrated to all hell. ive 300mbs connection and no other game DC's. Infact this game doesnt except for the quests. I bought the game to play the quests and feel short changed

When you say "quests" you mean the story missions, right? Just being absolutely certain we refer to the same thing.

I'm entirely sympathetic to your concerns, and ANet are actively working on this problem. As you can read in the thread I linked, so far they have found this problem with is very serious for the people it hits, but only hits a very small proportion of players, has no obvious common cause.

I completely understand why you would be angry that this isn't yet fixed, but "can't be kittened" is absolutely not the case -- the problem in resolving it is "cannot figure out what the root cause is", which makes fixing it rather difficult.

In that vein, if you don't mind, what brand and model of router do you use?

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Just happened again on "The Departed" Thank goodness the game saves story progress and it put me right back where I was when I reconnected 10 seconds later. Oh, wait, the game doesn't do that. I get to play the entire instance all over and I'm reminded why I stopped playing months ago.

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Being that they don't seem to be unlocking the "official" thread., I'll add some comments to this thread.

I thought I was having some success with using a VPN with an exit point in Germany. Turned out to be just luck as I'm back to disconnecting at least half the time I try to do a story mission. As I'm basically just playing the game for the story missions that's kinda annoying.

I've had a meh day and to top it off it just wiped all my progress on the final mission of season 2 and now I have to do that fight with the dragon again.

Think I'm close to giving up, too late to get a charge back on the card for the seasons and both expansion unfortunately. Stuck thinking I have to play as I spent all that money but playing is like flipping a coin: heads have fun, tails waste 30 minutes and try again.

All my patience and good will is gone: They need to fix the issue, or if they can't then they need to provide mitigation (reconnect or checkpoint saves). At this point I don't care how hard it is for them to do; they need to do something.

Edit: I get that something weird is happening. Maybe its out on the net, maybe its my router, maybe its the game client or server. But the fact is no other game shows this sort of behaviour. Something about GW2 is causing it, or is susceptible to it where other games aren't.

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@JackalHeadGod.8195 said:I thought I was having some success with using a VPN with an exit point in Germany. Turned out to be just luck as I'm back to disconnecting at least half the time I try to do a story mission. As I'm basically just playing the game for the story missions that's kinda annoying.

That totally sucks. Question, is everything routed via the VPN, or just GW2? Also, if you don't mind, does the VPN show that it disconnected at that time, or did the game just disconnect?

All my patience and good will is gone: They need to fix the issue, or if they can't then they need to provide mitigation (reconnect or checkpoint saves). At this point I don't care how hard it is for them to do; they need to do something.

Interestingly, a misapplication of a portal scroll confirmed for me that there is at least one waypoint in the final story of the current episode, so that is at least something. I expected to have to repeat the early parts, and was jumped to the middle when I reentered the instance a minute or two later.

Edit: I get that something weird is happening. Maybe its out on the net, maybe its my router, maybe its the game client or server. But the fact is no other game shows this sort of behaviour. Something about GW2 is causing it, or is susceptible to it where other games aren't.

Any time we talk about the possible root causes, it is because we think fixing that is the best thing ... not because we don't want workarounds.

Personally, I think I'd find having to redo the final fight over and over because the checkpoint was just before it about as annoying, even if it was less time wasted doing the same thing over and over.

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:That totally sucks. Question, is everything routed via the VPN, or just GW2? Also, if you don't mind, does the VPN show that it disconnected at that time, or did the game just disconnect?

Everything goes through the VPN. As far as I can tell it was just the game. Quickly alt+tabing out indicated the VPN was still connected and I could refresh a web page I had open without delay. I've also had it happen while I've had a twitch stream playing in the background and not noticed any hitch or buffering there.

@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:Any time we talk about the possible root causes, it is because we think fixing that is the best thing ... not because we don't want workarounds.

Indeed, not arguing against that. I'm just so frustrated that I wish they'd start working on a mitigation (and tell us their doing so) as route cause analysis doesn't seem to be getting them any place (which I can understand, I've hit more than a few next to impossible to track down issues in my time).

@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:Personally, I think I'd find having to redo the final fight over and over because the checkpoint was just before it about as annoying, even if it was less time wasted doing the same thing over and over.

I'd take one fight over the whole mission. :) Ideally they'd checkpoint just before each cinematic as well. That way on reconnecting you'd just have to watch the cinematic, not do the fight.

That missions not too bad. But ones like that last story mission from original game you can end up re-doing half an hour or more.

Re-connect with time-out followed by falling back on a checkpoint would be an ideal mitigation to me (ignoring the dev cost). Frankly even if they do fix the disconnects they should have reconnect and checkpoints in the game anyway.

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@JackalHeadGod.8195 said:

@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:That totally sucks. Question, is everything routed via the VPN, or just GW2? Also, if you don't mind, does the VPN show that it disconnected at that time, or did the game just disconnect?

Everything goes through the VPN. As far as I can tell it was just the game. Quickly alt+tabing out indicated the VPN was still connected and I could refresh a web page I had open without delay. I've also had it happen while I've had a twitch stream playing in the background and not noticed any hitch or buffering there.

Huh. Thanks. That is useful to know.

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