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Dishonor mechanics. (HELP!)


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This is both a cry for help from anyone who might know how to help ease my issue and also a cry to help better this system as a whole to punish those who actually deserve it.i have an older pc. honestly i never used to have many issues with it but lately i can play the game just fine but my loading times are ungodly. ALLLLLL i do is pvp and there are many days when i can just load in and play and its all good but there are just some days where it takes an eternity for me to load into a map, and herein lies my problem...i can load a little late (which sucks but ive won many games coming late or having someone else come in late) and bam dc'd for inactivity and bam hit with 1:45-2hrs of dishonor!!!!! i dont play as much as i want to due to irl responsibilities and when this happens this usually ends my night in gaming. its really really disappointing bc it makes it impossible to ladder in a system that that is already hard to ladder in bc u have to pug for players who often just dont wanna play as a team, and worse punishes players who just cant afford super computers. now ive seen players just rage quit after the first teamfight and literally idle by the spawn point and avoid dishonor that way... i personally would much prefer someone with a slow pc come in 30 seconds late and help the team than play with people that just give up and throw the matches. so for the community what are my options for reducing my load times outside of getting a new pc (which im working on getting) and for the devs is there any way you can change the system to punish actual dishonorable players over players who play fair for example instead of forcing us report them which im sure you guys get flooded with so many cases its hard to keep track a way the team can vote against an idle player or something idk.

tbh im just frustrated with losing my gaming hour to dishonor over a few seconds of load time when i never give up in a match even in matches that are hopeless. it never used to be an issue in the past and is deeply discouraging as i do want to be ranked according to my skill level but often cant even play

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