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Is This Why Feedback isn't (wasn't) Taken Seriously?


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I havent had anything to do with Guild Wars 2 for some time now so things may have completely changed. The recent issue with the 2 devs makes me wonder if this is why feedback on classes have been largely ignored.

I started playing GW2 a couple weeks after launch and pvp seriously after the first April feature pack. I played only necro for about 2 years before making another class. For those that may have been around since then you may remember the multitude of cries from the necro community about how weak it was in pvp.

Many, and I mean MANY veterans came out with videos and discussions and extremely long posts about how bad necro was in pvp and how to fix it. All of them ignored with every patch. A necro veteran Bhwab talked at extreme length on redesigning the necromancer traits but nothing came out of it.

Fast forward to the revenant era and we know how much revenant has been manhandled since its release.

On the flip side theres the problems of conditions and mesmer power levels (including its specs) which have been ignored despite the reaction from the community

Also, while it wasnt always the case, patches seemed out of touch and lack any real form of explanation. Another sentiment most seem to agree on.

If a writer isn't even able to take constructive feedback and another dev is supporting that. Is it out of line to think that the reason why PvP "balance" (for whatever that word is worth) feedback typically went ignored is because the devs working on PvP also react negatively to constructive feedback?

In fairness to Anet before I left they seemed to actually listen better when they had the large discussion thread on a large balance patch they were working on. I think it happened much too late and the problems they were trying to fix with that patch started with months of problems they were warned about but ultimately ignored.

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