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July10 2018 patch gave rangers only exclusive 50 miniatures yeyyyyy

Crystal Paladin.3871

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Now that all my pets have literally became cute dummy punchbags(or plush toys for that matter)(except for the porcine family and the mutated pig siamoth they are not cute), I have nothing to worry about in tyria... Now Anet can rename rangers as "PlushTrainers" or "pvp mobile decorators"(coz they runaround pvp maps trying desperately to pose a challenge to their enemies but in reality, enemies look at them like... ooh its just another decoration that moves across the map from time to time lets focus on others and ignore them, they'll die like a mosquito)

and anet totally forgot that there are skills related to pets... so nerfing the pets also nerfs the skills related to them like sickem and other stuff... might as well remove those skills and replace them with some perma stealth

i could be over-exaggerating things but kinda makes me sad to hear smokescale and iboga consuming bite got nerfed...

But Devs thought about soulbeast in a different aspect... Looking at the patch notes closely, the beastmastery line is improved... 300 ferocity, 30% movement speed for pets and 150 attributes for all stats... that is cool thing btw...

for people who rely mostly on pets and involve lesser in fights, this patch might be disheartening... but people who wish to take things to their own hands and trying to improve ranger as a single unit, this patch is a welcome sight... but rangers are supposed to work synergistically with their pets... idk... i thought thats how the profession and pet mechanic should work... else ranger profession might be sounding similar to other classes... just my ramblings

anyway, those other profession people who were drowning the forums about "pet did this" "pet did that" , "that pet was OP" and "hey! that pet hit me... its not supposed to hit me... report it OP.. that must be nerfed until it becomes a plush toy" Kudos to you guys!

sorry anet nvm my post... just give me some more cute pets with 0dmg and useless f2 skill(BUT MAKE IT CUTE) so ill spend my ranger life in tyria looking at my adorable pets and die peacefully

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