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[NA] Kabal of the Righteous [Seed] (PvE) - join us in exchange for a quaggan dental plan!


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| Kabal of The Righteous [seed] is recruiting! Don't know what you're doing? Neither do we... But our success was entirely planned and intentional! Interested in our guild? Let's try and die together: kabalseed.com |

Celebrating our guild's 11th birthday this August! New members are welcome to join our family.(Head to our website and fill out an application!)

Sorrow's Furnace50+ Active membersPvE/PvP/WvW/RaidFractals/DungeonsLevel 69 (Max.) guildGuild hall with full upgradesWeekly guild missionsWeekly in-game eventsWebsite with forum and event calendarSlack & Discord communicationWe play other games too! (DOTA2, RL, PoE, Destiny 2, etc.)

||| kabalseed.com |||


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