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Deadeye P/P - R - Poison Master


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Hey Folks,this is the build i'm experimenting with at the moment.

While i'm unsure about choosing Trickery the other two specs are set in stone.I'll keep this short and for discussion, the core about the build is around "Panic Strike", every time you immobilize an enemy the enemy is also poisoned.That leads to pretty interesting options with Rifle 2 kneeled and Pistol 2 besides the immobilize poison.

I was only playing around with that in WvW and random matches but pretty successful i'd say.

If you chain Venom -> Mark -> Binding Shadow -> Pistol 2 + 3 you get some hefty 15-20 stacks poison on your enemy.Yea, that only works against people that do not clear their condis fast but still, you can easily get poison stacks up again with pistol 2 or rifle 2.Due to Lotus Poison you also always inflict weakness.

Still experimenting but looks promising at least.

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Interesting build. People underestimate the potential of p/p to do condition damage and especially if stealth access available. You might consider trappers rune and then use a lower cooldown heal or malicious. This will still get you that stealth for another sneak attack.

Fitting In mercy and taking BA is another alternative. Here you would steal and apply 5 confusion along with the 3 poison from S serpents touch along with stealing three boons, then immediately Mercy and reset the steal for 6 poison stacks and 10 confusion. The back to back steals will get you 2 INI as well which IMO is more bang for the buck then the QP weaponswap INI given Mercy also refunds INI from accumulated malice stacks.

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