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[PvP] Need help / some tips


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I'm looking for some recent mesmers videos in PvP to look at to improve my gameplay.For the moment I can only see :

  • Mesmers opponents I meet in PvP.
  • Non mesmers streamers who fight against mesmers.
  • My local stream review for me to saw where I'm doing mistake.

But I feel I'm laking something to progress.Did anyone have a link to recent mesmers streamer or vidéo ?

Also speaking of builds, I meet recently :

  • Staff/axe,torch condi build => less mobility than sword but better versus gards than sword and on point fighting.
  • Mirage lock burst => classic shatter but too many limitations vs all auto-proc, breakstunt and so on.
  • Power mirage with mantra of pain => good burst but there are easier burst on other class with more kisscool tools.
  • Chrono condi => no mobility, little better in team fight than the mirage build.
  • Other exotic builds (like old disenchanter, chaotic interruption builds, above build with a change in weapon etc.)Is there other build I'm missing ?

What build did you find the most usefull in the actual meta and why ?Is the mesmer role in the current meta:

  • +1
  • duelling
  • teamfight
  • support
  • pick mushrooms on a side of the map

Thank you in advance for your answers

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