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Griffon mastery 3 bug


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There's quite an annoying bug with the Griffon's final mastery 'Ariel Finesse' where sometimes if you dive, flap and then pull up you and your griffon will T-pose and fall where you will then die if you're up too high. When you use a WP, you're still in the T-pose with your griffon. It's fixable if you dismount and remount but this problem has happened so many times to me, and strangely it's happened in all maps except Crystal Oasis. 0y2g3lsd82oz.jpg

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I'm having this problem as well. It has happened to me in every map at some point while trying to do the griffon flying courses. It seems to be linked to pressing spacebar while also trying to use one of the griffon mastery abilities. When it happens, I immediately can't move and the griffon T-poses; if I'm in mid-air when it happens, I plummet to the ground and can't glide or move at all while falling. I can still walk around when the griffon is T-posed (but at an unmounted speed) and it can only really be fixed by mounting and dismounting.

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This happens to me as well. It seemed to be related to using the engage skill to descend vs using the V and C keys. Once I used V/C I was able to complete the griffon adventure in Crystal Oasis where as before when using the engage skill to drop through the the first checkpoint I would get hit by the bug and fall to my death around the second checkpoint (~70-80% chance).

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It happened all the time even with mastery 2. I've been reporting this bug for 4 days now, since I got the 2nd mastery. Please keep this thread bumped and report it in game too using the support menu.

More on the griffon bug. https://imgur.com/a/xIOTH

Elon Riverlands Griffon Expert Course is ~~impossible ~~ very hard to complete because when using mastery skills (that you're forced to use for this track) the Griffon goes into a T pose and the player dies. It keeps staying in this pose and no mount skill works. I'm always forced to log out and log back in and of course the bug can be reproduced 100% of the time from different game installations.

EDIT: completed it without using the flap. That's the issue apparently. More in the next post.

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Ok, I managed to complete the adventure (even getting gold). The bug appears to trigger if you flap your wings (Spacebar) right after pressing S while in speed flight.

So basically 1 -> wait -> S and Spacebar right after -> bug. It seems to happen also when you use Spacebar for flap during speed flight, but not 100% of the time.

I completed the adventure by not pressing Spacebar, ever.

So basically:You only use Spacebar without using the second mastery -> fineYou only use the second and third mastery without ever pressing Spacebar (for flap) while in superspeed or after S -> fineYou combine Spacebar flap with any skill from mastery 2 -> T pose

Mastery 3 (the superspeed dive) seems fine to be honest. The problem is from mastery 2.

My guess is that there is probably a missing transition from the animations introduced in mastery 2 when you also use the Spacebar for wing flap. So the game doesn't know how to go from mastery 2 animation states to the flap sometimes.

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