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New Scoreboard


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Can Anet chime in here.... This is a great idea that seems fairly easy to implement and tune. Could even be implemented alongside the current stat system. Yes, it would take some time/tuning to get it right, but if the scoring system was well thought-out and visible to everyone... maybe... just maybe new players would actually learn to play conquest instead of being trash, getting chewed out, and quitting after 3 games. If that happens maybe the pvp population will improve just a little.

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I've just been reading another thread where a player laments there's nothing more they could do other than hope for mercy at the hands of the "coin-flip" system we have with queuing.

With the correct metrics in place at least there would be something concrete to follow to ensure you are contributing to the team, and with these scores running, maybe we could even have third-party programmes that can assist in decision-making for the more casual/new players to PvP and help them fight the right things at the right time. I don't mind helping out fellow players and I have helped newer players keen to PvP with builds, rotations and matchups in the past (he's picking it up so fast I'm sure he'll be better than me), it's just that there's only so much time and effort we could give. With a system comprehensive enough to indicate effectiveness in 5v5 conquest and serve as reference in player profiles, it would only make PvP players more professional.

While people will always find a way to complain and they will do so such as saying the scoreboard system is flawed etc, at the very least arguments have to be more concrete on why such a metric is unfeasible/should be rated lower etc., and not be like now, where people invent a bazillion conditions on why their games are horrible even if they're so perfect at the game.

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