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The problem with the new Choya hammer skin...


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I will assume you mean tonics usable in combat. Having another one would be cool. Possibly several choya tonics in different colors or have one choya tonic that changes hue periodically or by in-game time of a day XD.

I do have one issue with those tonics as a whole though. (Sorry if it's bit off topic, just trying to raise awareness of an issue for combat tonic loving people).

At this point, I feel like there is no real point in combat tonics (aside from WvW) unless they add interaction with mounts with them. I mean, you can still use them if you don't mind not being able to use mounts.

Until PoF I loved to use my Endless Watchnight Tonic. At this point though, using it is too much of a hassle to be bothered with. You can't mount up with the tonic active, so you have to click it off if you want to use mount, and then have to click it back on once you are done with it, if you want to keep your tonic's looks. Unfortunately the mounts bring too many perks for me not to make them my standard mode of transportation, and thus preventing me from enjoying my combat tonic. On the new maps alone it feels to me like I have to frequently keep switching between mounts (even if I try to do everything on foot, as I did), that it quickly becomes a hindrance.

The solution that would allow both, doesn't seem too difficult to implement. They could simply allow the tonic to override your character appearance on the mount (which it already does off the mount), especially since it's singular model (per combat tonic, and there aren't that many yet) that's not a constantly changing. Another solution could be to simply let it go into suspension while mounted, and be automatically reapplied when dismounted (for the duration of the transformation).

Anyway, that's my few cents, sorry for going bit off topic.

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Vladish, that's understandable. I imagine Anet will eventually add support for combat tonics on mounts since they are supported for gliders. I suspect it's disabled right now until the base expansion bugs are ironed out and everything begins working smoothly again. Once they have time to test and verify everything is OK, I don't see why they wouldn't add it in.

The Choya however are our dessert Quaggans and they need our support! I would also be very happy with a similar Endless Mystery tonic setup that Quaggons have. It would be nice to collect the individual Choya hue tonics (red, blue, green, pinata) and throw all 4 in the mystic forge to make an endless RNG version of them. However, that new Choya hammer just screams having a Choya combat tonic too. Charging into combat with a tribe of Choya guildmates would just be epic. Especially if everyone Choya'd up for the legendary Choya boss, lol. Step aside Quaggans, Choyas are the new kid in town!

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My assumption is the same. And I agree on both parts Nate. Having fun with the Quaggan Tonic, I too would love to see Choya treated to it as well. And man, your idea of having hammer-wielding Choya army is actually pretty sick. That probably would be the only way to make me ever use Scrapper, haha.

I am just trying to keep awareness of this issue, so that once bugs are ironed out, this fun feature isn't completely forgotten :) I don't consider it a pressing matter either, but the more people are aware of it, the less likely it will be forgotten down the line :)

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@dagrdagaz.4913 said:The problem i have with the Choya hammer skin is that it looks illogical.The Choya is wielding a sword and shield ?!The Choya should have been wearing thick heavy armour.Then the Choya looks like it can be used to smash stuff.

You have a LIVING creature strapped to the end of your stick. You USE a living creature to bash things with and you want logic? I wonder how frequently you need to keep changing that Choya to begin with, after you smash in what passes for its brain in the first place. They could have emphasize that point by making it change color every time you equip it. I would buy it in a heartbeat then, but at the moment, without an earlier mention tonic, it's just close, but not close enough. >:D

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