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10/10 - My review of PoF (Spoilers)


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This was by far the best installment to GW 2 and one of the best games I have played in awhile.

You can really tell Arena Net put so much into this. A longer amount of time for development and building upon a foundation that has been set really shows here.

The game continues to get new elements and new layers that you can't fully predict, yet when you experience them, they feel seamless and almost like they were always meant to be in the game. The mounts are exactly what I wanted and more than I had hoped for or imagined. All I wanted was a faster way to get around beyond my chars leap skills and swiftness, but what they have given is a complete package and more.

The variety of maps, their size, how much is in them, and the many details and things you can do in them, makes these maps feel like a whole new game altogether. They are so beautiful, detailed, and just pleasant or exciting to be in. I almost have no interest to go back to Tyria or any other map other. I want to stay in the Crystal Desert all the time now!

For me, PoF far better than HoT in every way. It doesn't feel tedious or like a chore to get through. The HP's are far better and don't force you to have a large group. This is the way I wanted a GW 2 expansion to be and it's finally here.

I just want to thank everyone that was involved in the creation of PoF.

Just some notable things I liked:

  • Weaver, Soulbest, and Renegade elite specs. I LOVE them.
  • The back items you get from the Sunspears and from the jackal palace.
  • The mists afterlife sequence. It was very well done. I like that they actually went through with your character being able to die, and then having to earn their way back to their life for a great purpose.
  • I liked the recap of the story in the mists sequence, especially the Scarlett and Living World 1 part's, because I missed that when it first came out. Always wanted to see what that marionette machine was like.
  • The consistent and good loot throughout all of the maps and missions.
  • The implementation of the mounts from how they are controlled to things like the recharge of using or swapping mounts.
  • Being able to leap from any height and crash with my mount and survive, then resummon my mount. (please never change this)
  • How mounts can take damage while riding so you can focus on movement and their endurance recharges fast.
  • Most of all, I like the focus and direction of the story. How solid it was and how it included all the best things including a major battle and seeing the crystal dragon. All the things we did like disguising ourselves as the archon and controlling an army to being in Glint's Lair again. How the story is about everyone including Balthazar, trying to solve the elder dragon issue. They have different solutions and it's difficult because of how the dragons are a part of nature and integral to the world. Trying to find a balance between the dragon's life cycle and trying to stop those who are just trying to eliminate them or gain from them.
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