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Elementalist bug (Signet of Restoration + Mount Dismount)


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So I just found a bug - if you use signet of restoration on elementalist and you key bind the specific mounts mount/dismount button, using these key binds during combat count as skill activation and don`t activate the mount.

Since there is no CD on using the mount/dismount button, this allows you to "button smash" skill activations for the signet of restoration, giving you health as long as you are fast enough on the button smash.

So yeah, nice survivability there but alas it is just crazy. hahaha

  • Side note: Please help Weaver damage and give it more interesting traits (%damage traits are not fun - give us cool stuff like lightning rod skill or build defining like other new elite specs! Pretty please?)
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This has been confirmed to work in all game modes, WvW and PvP included. This is a game breaking exploit and should be hotfixed ASAP.With each individual mount set to a keybind, spamming is incredibly potent and can be completely broken with a macro that hits all 5 key binds simultaneously giving players who use this exploit an unbelievable advantage.

I have tested this on each PoF map, in core Tyria maps, and story instances. This bug can be reproduced by key mapping the mount/dismount features of any or all mounts and simply spamming that key while in combat with the Signet of Restoration heal utility equipped. Should a player set this key mapping to a macro the healing potential is far greater and is an even more abusive exploit.

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