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Raiment of the Lich


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Is this outfit no longer obtainable or if it can be obtained still where do I get it from? The wiki says that you can only get it from the Black Lion Voucher Dealer in The Vaults (with an Outfit ticket that was only sold between Aug 21st 2018 and Sept 4th 2018) or from the gem store for 700 gems but lists it as unavailable. I really want this outfit!

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I think it usually shows up around Halloween, but may be available sooner.Keep an eye on the Gem Store Announcement/News Sticky above.

Good luck.

Thank you for making me have some glimmer of hope that it becomes available again! I was just going through the outfits section to see if anything looked cool and my boyfriend & I fell in love with this outfit. We both want it badly.

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@gaymer.1648 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I think it usually shows up around Halloween, but may be available sooner.Keep an eye on the Gem Store Announcement/News Sticky above.

Good luck.

Thank you for making me have some glimmer of hope that it becomes available again! I was just going through the outfits section to see if anything looked cool and my boyfriend & I fell in love with this outfit. We both want it badly.

I think we can confidently say that everything in gem store (barring removed systems like town clothes) comes back eventually.

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