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[NA][PvE][PvX][Raid] Dragons of the Silence [DEAF] looking to grow deaf community!


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Hello! My name is Voxann. I'm the founder/leader of Dragons of the Silence [DEAF]. We are mainly looking to recruit deaf and hard of hearing players to join us. We also welcome all CODAs (child of deaf adults), interpreters, players who are anti-TS (for personal reasons), and hearing people who are familiar with the deaf community. We're also open to inviting hearing players who would like to interact/be friends with us and learn more about the deaf community.

The biggest reason I created this deaf guild is because I want to give everyone the opportunity to meet other players who are like you. Let's have fun and do events together! We are an inclusive, welcoming, friendly guild.

Obviously, as you can see, we do not require voice chats like TeamSpeak because some of us are profoundly deaf and some of us have some hearing loss. We have discord for chatting purposes during and outside the game.

  • No repping required except during guild missions
  • Level 35 guild
  • 64 players
  • Fractals, PvE, Dungeons, Guild Missions
  • Have some deaf raiders - we're hoping to get total 10 deaf raiders!
    (We beat Cairn around 1:42:00)
  • NA based guild
  • Sea of Sorrow server (optional)
  • Windswept Haven Guild Hall

If interested, comment below. Please mention whether you're deaf, hoh, or hearing.We look forward to meeting you!

Voxann[DEAF] Guild Leader

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Hi! Hearing, but I really prefer text chat and I'd like to see how the guild is.Am in Asia, but a night owl (more pre-reset hours)...
I do mostly PvE (mainly open world) and am still just exploring/sorting a lot, but I try to help with ideas or quick runs at times.Cheers.

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