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[NA] Mucklucks [Luck] New Casual Guild!


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Hello everyone! We are a newer guild with lots of friendly and helpful people. We are online daily and are interested in finding more friends to play with us. We have a Discord if you are interested.Currently, we are preparing to obtain a guild hall and we would be more than happy to have more people help us.I am TNRSparkster.9354 or my main's in-game name is Dredr. Feel free to add me and whisper me at any time or even send mail. Thanks!https://discord.gg/eYj4H4q - Feel free to join us any time!

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@"Rysdude.3824" said:Whats a muckluck?

Some socks my family got my fiancee for Christmas :) https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS777US777&biw=1920&bih=938&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=M09fXNeKLcy4sQXbq7O4CA&q=Mukluk+socks&oq=Mukluk+socks&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30j0i24l2j0i10i24l2j0i24.5306.5752..5832...0.0..0.100.483.4j1......1....1..gws-wiz-img.XrhL9k9qvH4

I thought it was silly at first but we decided to roll with it and people actually liked the name.

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As time went on, we have been upgrading our guild hall very quickly. We have our tavern, mine, and are about to build our workshop. We now provide Karma and Experience boosts to all members (must own HoT). We also have been doing the guild missions. We have one left this week and it is the Bear Lope Hard Race. We have complete it in 11 minutes. If you'd like to join us for the challenge, message me through the game (Dredr) or you can join our Discord! Thanks!

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Currently, we want to attempt the Proxemics Lab Guild Puzzle tonight. All are welcome to join. On top of all of that, we have been expanding as fast as the mine will let us. We currently have our Scribe profession available and the market.

Would you like to be a Scribe in our guild? If so, there's a spot open for you.

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@lasersgo.2941 said:Hey! Sounds like a lot of fun. Would love to join up. Just came back to the game after years of being away. I’m based in AU but would be down to join up.

You are more than welcome to join us. Just know that we are based in NA. What's your username/character name? I'll be more than happy to invite you. You can also just join our Discord and tell us your name.

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Hi everyone!

Just another quick update- Mucklucks [Luck] is still recruiting! We are a recently formed, but have been progressing quickly and gaining steady traction as a guild. We are currently focusing on more PvE and guild-related content, but we are also in the process of branching into WvW! More than anything however, we are looking for new members and fresh faces!

If you're looking for a friendly group of players who will actually care about you- look no further! I'm Arissa, the recruiting officer for [Luck] and If you're interested in joining up with us feel free to join our discord and @Arissa for assistance! You can also message myself (evesmire.5386) in game, or send us some mail if you have any questions, or just want to chat before jumping in!

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