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WarClaw Mount Help Offer for Ehmry Bay [EBAY] server players


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As an active EBAY server WvW player since first year of game, I'll try to help Ehmry Bay WvW newcomers for WarClaw.

You can find your home server in the log in screen when choosing your toon, its at the bottom left.

I usually run tagless with my havok grp but I'll run an open tag on these days for the coming weeks.Saturday evenings EST time from 6pm-7pmTuesday and Thursday mornings EST time 8:30-10:30am (if I get enough interest if not I walk my dog or sleep or etc)

If interested leave your name and I'll add you to the special rank I made in our WvW guild (no rep required, this will give you access to me and to a dozen of active WvW players for info/help also).You can also whisper me in game using the account name above msg.

What I'd appreciate from yous:Please have teamspeak(ts) handy if you can to listen (no need to talk if can't or shy), since type commanding can get really hard while driving I'd prefer limiting that and my old fingers. Plus in teamspeak, I can give better views and information on the whys, whats, donts, etc.

If you have very little experience in WvW please refrain from coming in with not leveled (not level 80) and not full exotic toon, trust me they upscale below level 80 players but you'll die a lot more and have a much harder time.

Classes to bring: if possible try to bring a warrior, guardian, engineer, tanky necro, tanky revenant, tanky ranger.Try to not bring thief or elementalist if you can.Damage is high in WvW with no specific balance so thief and elementalist need great positioning to stay alive in big grps.

Before WvW pre-work, takes 5 min:Go into WvW ( press B ) with the toon your gonna WvW with, once in press H-build and re-spec your toons 3 trait lines since it resets in WvW.Then press B again, it opens up the WvW panel and click last icon bottom left to access the WvW improvements, if you have points place them in gliding masteries in WvW, if you still have points try to max out your provisioner mastery line to get WvW auto loot.


P.S: Je parle francais aussi pour ceux qui sont francophones et ont besoin de l'aide pour acquerir le destrier, pour les joueurs du serveur "EhmryBay".

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Update since seems the host has a guild running the morning timezone, I'll be working with them from the shadows unless they aren't running or massive numbers come march 5th and queues even on mornings.

2nd update sorry I had to reduce my time for Saturday my guildmates prefer I run like usual tagless havok with them since last Saturday they didn't have fun blobbing and I can understand.If you see me in WvW don't be shy to ask stuff tho.


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