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Everything posted by StrawHat.2639

  1. Theres a few FA guilds like that...BEAR(small), TLC(small-medium), Bomb (medium), Hate (medium), eA (medium)...etcAm on the link to FA and these are the ones I'd recommend off the batt.Cheers
  2. Si vous trouvez rien mais j'en doute...vous etes maintenant 3 a vouloir une guilde Quebecoise en l'espace de 2 semaines sur ce forum...creer s'en une avec vous 3 lol comme derniere option. a+
  3. I wasnt sure how long it exactly had, but i was thinking the same, the problem with ppl calling others cheater is that many dont even look into the class of the "cheater" and what it actually can do. OP, was that your only example of a cheater?If ppl are not teleporting inside of objectoves etc, or with classes that have no teleport, then id be very cautious with accusing others of cheating When someone calls out a cheater, the first thing I want is a video. I have been called a cheater/hacker I don't know how many times, and even got a few recorded where they PM/mail me to let me know they reported me for cheating. This used to NEVER happen, however since PoF, this has become far more common. Many people see something they don't understand or care to look into and just exclaim cheating because they lost. why would someone call you a cheater? I was fighting a duel 1vs1 by the rock close to SWT, 8 people ran in to gank, I was full CD in the fight, so I got rolled, they then sieged me and corpse jumped. I ran back, they were in the tower by then (trying to cap) however only 4-5 stuck around, I ran in solo and killed all of them and returned the BMing, then got called a "kitten cheater". It's at 1:53 I get the mail: I then killed them all again only to have one Alt F4 at the end of the fight. Before anyone says it, yes, I was playing sloppy, and yes, they were that bad of players.Looking at their ranks says it all
  4. Serieux, j'ai deja repondu a ceci la semaine derniere a une autre personne...utiliser l'option de recherche...et taper Quebec....simple non...enfin voici le lien que tu as besoin, bonne chance...:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/94910/je-recherche-une-guild-de-quebecois#latest
  5. Your a nasty one with your partner, I'll say that much. Having faced you a few times with my guildies.
  6. Je crois qu'il y en a 2 guildes...une je crois est sur le serveur Northern Shiverpeaks....mais leur tag est du genre: Les freres du Quebec[QC].Juste demande sur la map a "lion arch" il devrait avoir un membre si chanceux. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3071/na-fr-les-pirates-du-styx-xqcx Trouver ce lien sur ce site pour une des 2 guildes. Bonne chance;)
  7. Just move Warclaw to desert bl only (big map appropriate) and leave it as is...sheeshh...enough wasting time on a useless gimmick that just brings lag and nothing really good to WvW unless mobility for red bl .
  8. No tks because tag and squad is a definite improvement over 5 man party grps of the passed era.Back then there was alot more activity then now...I think alot of the commanders wouldn't log for the week if there was such an event since try organizing parties you can't see from semi-organized grps.
  9. I sent you a msg...we can chat tonight if your on after midnight.
  10. Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features. Took me forever to finish map completion at times if we ended up being blue for weeks on end with green dominating...so yes I remember since am an old dude from 2012. I admit to enjoying the absolute bewilderment from PvE players when Power of the Mists was removed and they noticed that they weren't getting those random extra strikes on nodes courtesy of their WvW players that they didn't care to help.LoL see I never noticed that since farming is a bore 99% of the time;)People crafting in home bl before it got removed for the extra buffs;)
  11. Yea, we just won't see that. This game has full separation of PvE and PvP and back when Anet had the game modes tied into each other (map completion, Power of the Mists - anyone remember that?) the complaints were numerous and loud until Anet removed those features. Took me forever to finish map completion at times if we ended up being blue for weeks on end with green dominating...so yes I remember since am an old dude from 2012. They just need to tie-up home bl...as wvw map completion so people can see the gamemode but then people would complain theres too many pvers not helping but mapping...and it continues;)
  12. Out of curiosity which server you on since its WvW your inquiry?
  13. I liked EOTM...tried commanding there first before doing it in WvW back pri-HOT.Plus great map to havok and troll cap and just not care and do whatever.I picked a few friends from in that map.But having fun + having decent rewards is best so WvW is just 100% better now for everything. Anyways it won't comeback now...pvers just need to come directly into WvW now and hopefully find the spark of enjoyment to keep going. Anyways....
  14. Honestly, keep warclaw how it is...just make it exclusive to desert bl map only were it actually seems to shine with gliding.Other 3 maps don't need it but I know its pointless to even write this since I won't get this New Year's present. Anyways just a timbit...if you nerf it too much it becomes a glorified nothing that just drops our fps and that's worst then anything...and thats coming from a guy that wished mounts never came to be in wvw. Happy Holidays to all my WvW brethren
  15. Woe, CoT, Ebay, Para, oG, ICEE, Rome, Zerg, GH with special guest Rekz, TV, Gods, PS.The good ole mid days. Well Ebay (GnG now I believe) /Para (Zodiac I think leads them on reset...am at work so yea) still around...so is one Rome person, brown is still around also see him at times in ebg doing his own things ;)Am gonna resurrect one of my guilds into Conglomerate of Terror and start practicing tagging up besides havocking with my dudes...maybe I can become decent by the end of WvW closure...would be nice to have a fight guild on ehmry instead of now relying on the host server...FA zerging kinda rekindling my soul...plus x and xx server fights this week been pretty fun overall. I really miss following Crosius aka loud!....Khal aka quiet....Souless aka patient.And I believe Goldy used to be the commander in the very beginning when I made it to ebg... Good memories...sad they cant last longer...CheersSanji
  16. Seems I won this discussion page...:)… mag=ebg … tho there were fights all over the place tonight was a lot of fun...indeed. Nice to see you liked it;)
  17. If your on mags/sbi I wish you luck since it seems you only want the GOB and then out...I don't believe mag guilds unless they've changed will want to carry you just for that maybe sbi guilds more.But on a more positive note...try to get into EBG "eternal battlegrounds" at 9pm EST this Friday 1hr before reset and stay later and you should hopefully see a tag to follow... Well regards
  18. Is it really? I want to play this game for the pvp, which it was intended for, but structured pvp is poorly balanced and the devs arent doing anything about it. Join a WvW guild if PvP is too horrible...pick a WvW guild on your server that meets your interest and times played....example I like to havok so 2-10 man guild runs....I like to Zerg so 10++....I like to play 7pm-10pm est...go from that...pvx to wvw focused guilds. Look in the guild recruiting section. Back story I went into WvW in 2012 on a uplevel warrior when my pvx guild of the time asked me come come....it was ruff but its now 2019 and am still in WvW tho alot less because of mounts...another story for another day. Since you say your not good in pvp your better off finding above before WvWing...am just an average player even after all these yrs and the above 2 choices more fun then trying to solo join nowadays. Cheers
  19. They left links to juggle pops, but we all know it doesnt work.
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