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Variety in PvP


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I play a lot of PvP, because it is not that time consuming like PvE. Whenever you have 30 Minutes, just press the Button and have some fun.But now, after a view month, i get bored. It is always the same. Always the 3 Points to capture. Of course there some "events", but becide Capricorn and Temple of the Silent storm you dont always go for the event.While Skyhammer is decent and here and there you kill the mobs from Forest of Niflhel, the events of Legacy of the forefire (killing the Boss) and Djinn's Dominion are ... kinda useless.

Of course there is a "CTF"-Map:Spirit Watch - but lets be honest: Who plays "Unranked Games"? Player who are new to PvP or "Veteran" Player, who wants to learn a new class or just wants to have quick fun. So why would you ever pick up an orb, which slows you AF and removes your normal abilitys?

Champions Dusk is fine imo.

Furthermore in the three cap mode you always expect some classes to do some certain things. If you play thief (or even having two thiefs in the team), you sometimes get flamed, because you dont want to decap points. I have found me playing with my ele in a game, where i only ran around, decaped some points and ended up with 5% of the Damage, even when we won the game ... kinda boring

So i have some ideas for other modes, which i would like to discuss with you. I even want to increase the amount of players, so one or two player, who are new to pvp, don't lose you the game certainly.

To make it easier to develop, my ideas are based on the maps right now, so ANET doesn't need to create new maps.

Here are my ideas:

Forest of Nifhel: Increase the player size to 10. At the start 3 "Flags" spawn at the Keep. Picking up the Flag increase your Damage by 50% but you Receive 100% more Damage. While holding the flag, every 2 seconds you get 1 point (or more?). If you get downed, you lose the flag and it resets to the keep immediately. Every ability is allowed to use.

Skyhammer: Increase the player size to 10 man. Same "mode" like on Forest of Nifhel. Flags spawn at "B". Skyhammer isn't necessary in this mode.

Revenge of the Capricorn: Increase the player size to 12-15 people. At the start, a Flag spawns at the bell point. You have to bring this flag to a point next to the opponents spawn point. While having the flag, you are not allowed to go invisible, makes you immune, or "teleports" you 200 or above (charges, teleports, etc.). You drop the flag instantly if using it. Other abilitys are still the same. Swiftness has no effect on you. If you get downed, the flag drops right there, where you get downed for ~10 seconds, after that, it resets in the mid. Picking up the flag takes 3 seconds (no interruption on damage, only on Knock Backs, Downs, etc).First Team to 3-5 Flags (discussable) wins - or time (15 Minutes).

Temple of the silent Storm: Increase the Playersize to 10. At the start, 2 flags spawn at the point, where "Mediation on Tranquility" spawns. It is your target to pick up a flag (again takes 3 seconds) and bring it to Temple/Altar (regarding to your team: Blue team has to bring it to Altar, Red Team to Temple - or the other way around - could be fun too). Same "Flag-Rules" on Capricorn: No Teleport, not Invis, not immune, no abilitys, which bring you over 200. First Team to get 8-10 Flags, wins the game - or the time decides the game.

Eternal Coliseum: increase the playersize to 15 people. Basic CTF with 2 Flags, which are placed complete in the west and in the east in the already existing "notch" (dont know, how to discribe it). You can only capture a flag, when your flag is in your base. Same "Flag Rules" like on Temple and Capricorn. First to 3 points win you the game or time based.

Legacy of the Foefire: Increase the playersize to 15 People. So - my idea is to play a "rush"-mode on this map, where a defending team has a unlimited amount of "respawn"-tickets, but have to run a bigger distance to the target after dying, while the attacking team has a limited time and respawn tickets, to capture things. Normaly in other computer-games, you have 2 things to capture in rush-modes at the same time. this is kinda difficult and i did not found a solution for this map and this mode (i din't think it through completely), but i guess, you can do something like this on this map.

I think this modes, could be fun. Furthermore, even new player could have some fun, cause it often ends ins a "cluster-zerg". This modes could bring more player to pvp. You don't have to bring this modes into "ranked Games", but in unranked ... lets have some fun?

TL;DR: I want more variety and not always this three points mode. Champions Dusk is not enough.

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